The Night and the Fury

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Hiccup: "Okay, gang, over here. Tomorrow's training mission was actually Astrid's idea, so I will let her explain it." The other teens groan and mutter in anger. Astrid: "What?" Fishlegs: "Your training missions are so hard!" Astrid: "They are not." Y/n: "Seriously?" Fishlegs holds up a bandaged hand. Fishlegs: "Hand-to-Claw Combat?" Snotlout: "Spine-Dodging?" Tuffnut: "Hot Lava-Swimming?" Astrid: "We never did that." Tuffnut: "Yeah, but you should've. Way better than Hand-to-Claw Combat." Astrid: "Well, this mission is easy. Dragon Island. You just have to go from this beach on the East side to this cave on the Westside." The teens begin to think "That doesn't seem too bad." Astrid: "At night. With no camping gear. And no dragons." Y/n: "Seriously?!" The Riders are angry and annoyed by now. Snotlout: "What?! That's crazy! What's the point?!" Astrid: "To work on our stealth skills and our Wild Dragon Defense." Hiccup: "Astrid's right. We all know how strong we are with our dragons, but we have to be able to survive and defend ourselves if we ever get separated from them." Astrid: "Trust me. It'll be fun!" The other teens think otherwise. Hiccup: "Okay, one of us is gonna have to skip the drill and take the dragons to the cave on the other side of the island. That way, they won't try and help us. A wild Nadder tries to attack, but the dragons protect their riders and chase it away. Hiccup: "Just like that. Ok! So, who's going to watch the dragons?" Fishlegs: "I think the obvious choice is-" Tuffnut: "Me! I volunteer!" Juno: 'Does he have to?' Y/n: "Shhhhhh!" Fishlegs: "But-But I have way more dragon knowledge!" Tuffnut: "Yeah – From a book! But I ... I feel them. (puts his hand on his heart) In here. Wait, where is it? In ... (moves his hand to his stomach) In here. (his stomach grumbles) Yeah. In my stomach. Besides, I did say "Me" first!!" Hiccup: "I can't believe I'm saying this, but, uh, Tuffnut is right! Fishlegs, no one can argue with your dragon knowledge, but if Alvin attacks with wild dragons, we need to be able to face them! Any time of the day or night. On our own, without help." Fishlegs: "I hate it when you make sense." Tuffnut chuckles and elbows Fishlegs. The riders say goodbye to their dragons for the night. Astrid: "See you later, Stormfly." Snotlout: (to Hookfang) "You stay tough." Fishlegs: "Bye, Meatlug! Ruffnut: (to Barf and Belch) "I know you're really gonna miss us. We're gonna miss you, too." Toothless follows Hiccup. Hiccup: "No-no-no-no-no, Toothless. You have to go with Tuffnut. I can't believe I'm saying this either, but, uh, he's the boss!" Y/n: 'Circle around if you find Dagur stay with him.' Midnight: 'Yas!' Juno: 'Whoop, Dagur!' Tuffnut: "That's right! You heard that! Boss-Man! Head Honcho. The Big ... Boss-Honcho ... Guy. The Honch-Boss. Hey, anybody knows where this cave is?" The other riders look at Tuffnut in disbelief. Tuffnut: "Just messing with you ... or am I? Hahaha!! Even I don't know." Tuffnut and the dragons leave. Hiccup: "Remember, this is about stealth, not speed. It doesn't matter how fast you get there. What's important is how you handle a wild dragon if ever you come across one. Understand? Alright. Good luck, everybody. I'll see you back at the cave." Hiccup looks back to see Fishlegs standing in the same spot. Fishlegs: "What? I'm formulating a plan." Hiccup: "Fishlegs, you can do this." Fishlegs: "Aw MAN, I should've just stayed in my nice warm bed this morning – Meatlug peacefully licking my toes – but NO-" Hiccup: "Move out, Fishlegs!" Fishlegs: "Don't rush me! I'm having a moment!" Fishlegs lantern goes out and he rushes after Hiccup.

~Back at the cave~

The dragons begin going to sleep. Tuffnut: "Alright. Who's up for an all-nighter? You guys are gonna love my ghost stories." Toothless tries to sneak out of the cave, but Tuffnut stops him. Tuffnut: "Ah-Ah-Ah-Ah, not so fast, Mr. Night Fury. Remember the mission! No dragon help, and that means you! Besides, I'm in charge-" Toothless flicks Tuffnut against a stalactite with his tail, and Tuffnut gets stuck. Tuffnut: "I KNEW that was coming! L-Little help here? Help out your Boss-Honcho?" Toothless shoots a Plasma Blast near Tuffnut, unsticking him from the stalactite.


Juno: 'This way~!' Midnight: 'Dagur!' Dagur: "Juno? Midnight? Is Y/n here too?" Juno stretches and yawns. Midnight nods.

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