Meeting Valka

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Y/n's Armor:

Y/n's Outfit (Remains until another dress is shown):

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Y/n's Outfit (Remains until another dress is shown):

Hiccup stares ahead, frustrated, as Toothless glides over a bed of clouds, glowing in the low, Arctic sun

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Hiccup stares ahead, frustrated, as Toothless glides over a bed of clouds, glowing in the low, Arctic sun. Hiccup screams in frustration and then slumped onto the saddle. Toothless recoils because he is sensitive to Hiccups' frustration and upset.  Hiccup: "Don't worry, bud. I'm not gonna let anything happen to you. I promise." The clouds start to tear from something, and then a mysterious person appears to be flying in thin air. Hiccup: "AW, COME ON, DAD! REALLY?!" Hiccup turns and realizes it's not his dad but a mysterious masked figure. Hiccup: (To Toothless) "Okay. No sudden moves." The figure rises, revealed to be riding upon a Stormcutter. Hiccup: "Hold on, hold on." Hiccup gets snatched by a dragon and Toothless falls. Hiccup: "Toothless!" Toothless falls through ice and Hiccup gets carried away, Toothless watches and struggles to get out of the water. As he splashes helplessly a trio of Seashockers carries him away. Hiccup: "HEY! YOU LEFT MY DRAGON BACK THERE! HE CAN'T FLY ON HIS OWN! HE'LL DROWN!" Hiccup is carried into the Dragon's Sanctuary. Hiccup: "We have to head back for my dragon!" Dragons surround Hiccup. Hiccup pulls out his fire blade, showing he's one of the dragons. Hiccup draws a circle of gas and ignites it. Walking towards a dragon with an extended arm. The warrior steps forward and Hiccup recoils. Hiccup: "Who are you? The Dragon Thief? Drago Bludvist? Do you even understand what I'm saying?" Y/n: "The Dragon Theif is very accurate." The warrior orders a dragon to bring Toothless. Hiccup: "Toothless! It's okay. I'm glad to see you, too, bud. You had me worried there." The warrior orders the dragons to light the place, approaches Toothless and puts him in a trance, then examines Hiccup. Hiccup gets nervous and turns his head a little, revealing the scar on his chin, which the warrior recognizes. Warrior: "Hiccup?" The warrior takes off their helmet, revealing herself as a middle-aged woman. Warrior: "Could it be? After all these years? How is this possible?" Hiccup: "Uh, should I... should I know you?" Valka: "No. You were only a babe... But a mother never forgets." Hiccup stammers, tongue-tied, aghast. Valka: "Come..." Y/n: 'Give that back Kiddra (Devilish Dervish).' 

~Stoick and Gobber fly through a hailstorm~

Stoick: "Boar-headed! Just like his mother! She could never stay put either." Gobber: "Ah, he's just twenty. And a Viking. I mean, could there be a worse combination? Ha! When I think of how stubborn and senseless YOU were back in the day... well, not much has changed." Stoick: "You know what he's like. He won't give up, Gobber. And if Hiccup finds Drago, before we find him..." Gobber: "Bah! NOTHING can hurt Hiccup so long as that Night Fury's around. It's a Night Fury!" Stoick notices Hiccup's helmet floating in the water where Toothless fell. He grabs it. Stoick: "Find him, Skullcrusher. Find him." Skullcrusher sniffs the helmet and roars.

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