Back to School

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All the words I could use to describe my love for this boy will never be enough to fully get a grip on my feeling for him. I wish that there was a way that he could love himself just as much as I love him. He's my world, my everything, the reason I wake up in the morning, and the cause of my happiness. I'd go to the ends of the Earth for him and vice versa. No amount of objects, kisses, hugs, or words will ever define how I adore him.

Masahiro has been getting better, it's not easy but I hold great respect for how far he's come. He started eating with everyone again around a week ago. Even last night he helped Mom with cooking. I'm proud of him, even if it doesn't seem like a big deal. A month ago he didn't want to eat, and now he's eating in front of us and cooking. I know it's not easy, but he's getting there, little by little. There's no need to rush the healing process, he's doing the best he can, and that's all that's important.

Back to school, students hate it, parents and teachers love it. A summer without work is quite boring; although, I was happy that I got to spend more time with Masahiro. I sit at my desk and watch as new faces flooded the classroom. A few girls in the back are whispering, and a group of guys are talking loudly. I stand up to do introductions, but not one of those "three facts about yourself" shit.

"Alright class, I'm Sensei Ooshiba. You may call me Sensei for short if you so desire. I find the traditional introduction to be tedious, so instead I will be answering your questions about myself. Have at it."

A guy from the loud group speaks up. "How long have you been working here?"

"This will be my second year"

"How old are you?" A girl from the back asked.

I should have expected this, usually the female students find me attractive, not to toot my own horn.

"I'm currently 29" I reply.

There were a few more questions, nothing that I would consider note worthy. The point of this active was to form a bond between myself and the students, so that they know they can trust me. Next, I had each student write down a good memory, crumble up the paper, and toss it to another part of the room. The students would pick up the paper closest to them, read it out loud, and try to match the memory to the person. I myself wrote one too and tossed it.

Happiest Memory:
The day I met my partner

A girl named Layla picked it up and read it. She guessed basically all the guys in the class before they all looked at me. I chuckled and took in their surprised looks. Most of the class was asking about it, but I didn't say much other than that I was happily engaged. The students went on with the game until all of the memories had been matched. I also enjoy see the smile on other's faces as they play and all the "aww"s I heard. It's a great way for kids to get to know each other and still have fun. On their way out I was given compliments from them saying how they had fun today or how I made them feel at ease, which I believe is the most important part of being a teacher. Respect goes both ways, and although these kids are told to respect those older than them, we also need to respect them and understand that they're not going to be perfect, that our style or teaching might not work for them, and that they're just as human as we are. If we try to shape kids into a mold of what we want them to be, it doesn't give them the chance to grow into their own person. It's important that they're given that space where they can overall be themselves.

The feeling on content felt amazing today, but that didn't last as long as I would have liked it too. It was my last class and as I watched the kids enter, I saw one that I wish I didn't recognize, and I knew damn well he knew who I was. I go through my routine as I did prior, but was more aware of a specific person in the front of the class. The person I never wanted to see again, never wanted to be within ten feet of. His name...fucking Wyatt.

So...girlfriend update. Her stepmom adores me, her dad likes me, and her cat loves me. Also, I'm sorry about the semi cliffhanger. All of y'all are amazing and even if life feels like it sucks, it'll be alright, it does get better. I wanted to base this off of an English professor I had last year who was amazing with a hit of my former health teacher. Again if you have any questions comment or dm me! I love all of you beautiful people!


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