Final Result

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I've been working hard on my painting. It's due tomorrow and it's honestly something I am really proud of. The painting is of Kousuke. He's asleep on the sofa, a book is open, but slipping out of his hand that is hanging off the couch, and Shigeo is napping on his chest. As I look at the picture I remember when he first brought her home. He was jealous of her and it was cute in a way. In any of the other relationships he's had he wasn't all that jealous. Mom says that she's never seen him so protective of someone who's not a blood relative. She said that he cared about me, just as much as he cared for Kensuke, just in a different way. The fear I had when she found out about us made me want to cry, but the relief that came afterwards was overwhelming.

Once I entered into the only class I had today, I placed my painting on an easel as many of my class mates had done. I wrote down one a small slip of paper the name of the painting and my name. The painting got the name "Puppy Love". All students had to create a piece of art and write a short essay on it. The essay would be submitted online while the artwork would be viewed in person. Each student would set up a display and give feedback to their peers. I rotated around the room and stopped at each display. The first one was a clay sculpture of someone's cat. The second was a painting of what looked to be a building melting at the bottom. I continued on with my tour until I'm back in front of my painting. The professor had us all had over our feed back and she shuffled the papers up before reading off comments to us. She didn't tell us who said what, but it was nerve racking. Eventually, it was my turn.

"Setagawa, here's your feedback from your fellow students. The story behind it seems plain and gives the viewer little to work with. Second student said, 'There's not much drawing my attention to your work. It's much more on the bland side, with very little color contrast'. Next, this student was surprised and a bit disappointed in you Setagawa, they said that it wasn't as deep or interesting as the other works you've done."

How much longer until she's done? I worked hard on this, it took me days. As she talked I slide my phone from my pocket and text Kousuke, asking if he could pick me up today. I wait for his response and listen to the other comments. I know that I'm being hard on myself, but I think it's because my peers were missing something that was in the background. In thin cursive were the words "chapter seven" written in white paint. Living with Kousuke and the animals opened a new chapter in my life and there's still more to go, chapter seven is complete, now I'm on chapter eight.

Chapter One: Born

Chapter Two: Elementary school - middle school

Chapter Three: Gang

Chapter Four: Meeting Kensuke and Kousuke

Chapter Five: Dating

Chapter Six: Graduation and college

Chapter Seven: Moving in together

Chapter Eight: Married

I'm proud of how much I've accomplished, how much I've changed for the better, and how much happier I am. I'm not the same person I was and it's so much better than I could've ever imagined. Why is it that I got so upset about the criticism I got?

As I was walking out of class, one of my classmates called out to me. I turned around to see a girl named Amina walking towards me.

"You're painting is so gorgeous, I know you got a lot of harsh comments on it, but I just wanted to tell you my opinion." She said as she messed with the ends of her bleached hair.

"Oh, thank you. You're pottery was amazing, I would never have the patience for that." I continued, trying to make small talk.

"Thanks! So, what's your major?" She replied.

"I'm an art student, you?"

"Liberal studies, not exactly sure what I want to do. By the way you look really young, how old are you?"

"I'm going to be 20 this summer"

"You're just a baby!"


"I'm just joking with you, hey, are you doing anything this weekend?"

"I'm not sure, why?"

"I was wondering if you'd want to hang out, kinda like a date."

"Sorry Amina, I'm taken" by this time we were out of the building and my heart was racing from how similar this experience was to the other time.

"It's all good, you got a high school sweetheart"

"Something like that" I laugh nervously and rub the back of my neck.

"Masahiro!" I hear from the parking lot.

It's Kousuke, he had rolled down the window of his car, "Mom wants us at her place for dinner tonight".

I said goodbye and climbed into Kou's car. He ruffled my hair and pecked my forehead before he started to drive off. It's something so simple and small to do, but I still love it, because I know it's something he only does to me. It's a special thing between just the two of us.

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