Dakota Rose Cooper🌹

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A/N- So here's the thing, I never like face claims for my characters, especially for Dakota because I never seemed to be able to find and actresses that I thought would work, until recently. Sky Katz was and is one of my favorite actresses. Her general look totally has what I was going for creating her, we already know she can pull of the skater look so she seemed perfect. Use her if you want, absolutely zero pressure. Love you <3

Full name: Dakota Rose Cooper

Nick names: Kota, D

Birthday: June 21st (Gemini)

Hair color: brown 

Eye color: green

Skin tone: white. (Idk if that's what your supposed to call it.)

Height: 5'3 (feet)

Also here's a little disclaimer. Just so we are all aware, I created Dakota before I even knew who Sky Brown is. I just don't want anybody thinking I took her and plugged her into a fan fic. If you don't know who sky brown is just google her name.

Dakota Rose Cooper, usually known as Dakota Rose, or Kota to her friends and family, was born and raised in Myrtle Beach where she grew up skateboarding down town and in local parks. She and her older sister Kendall, whom she is raised by, started social media accounts together when Dakota was 6, just as a hobby before they became "famous". Dakota was a natural on her skateboard and when she started skating more and more and her sister posted the pictures and videos online the world got to see what she could do. When she was almost 11 years old she competed in her first professional skateboarding competition. She didn't win but placed in the top 3 and it all took off from there. 

She earned the respect of a lot of older skateboarders and won over the professional skateboarding community with her charm, and talent. The years to follow were great to Dakota and her sister. Dakota started to land endorsement deals, interviews and more. As she began to win competitions that usually came with grand prize money, her sister, who had been working 2 different jobs while trying to get a college education was able to quit one of those jobs and focus more on school.

When Dakota had just turned 14 she wasn't in a very good place (mentally) to the point where she wanted to quit the sport she dedicated her life to. So she and her sister packed up their lives in Myrtle Beach and moved to Bay City. A much smaller town compared too Myrtle Beach. Their plans were to take a few months off because Dakota knew that she wanted to keep skateboarding but at the same time she's a teenager and she wanted to just be a teenager. So when Dakota moved to Bay City, she and her sister stopped posting on social media and Dakota starts to book much smaller competitions and jobs in Bay City while her sister search's for a temporary job. After a few months Dakota and Kendall's plan is to return to Myrtle Beach  

Dakota also decided to go to real school again. She had decided to take classes online for the second half of 8th grade because school and her training was to much so she stopped going in to school since online courses were much quicker. Which brings us to her first day of school, and chapter 1.

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