Let's Get Some Answers- Part 2

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[Dakotas POV]

Ryan, Mark and I, eventually made it to the data core room.

"This place looks like it has a million records here." Ryan said. 

"Stating the obvious are we?" I teased. Ryan gave me a 'haha' smile as Mark said,

"Let's just download it all and let's get you out of here." We stepped to a computer monitor, Ryan held up his phone to start downloading the data.

"It's working." He said. Not two seconds later and alarm went off and Leo OS reappeared on the screen.

"You're attempting to steal classified data, dang it, now I don't have anyone to talk to anymore." Leo OS complained.

"Wait, why not?" I asked.

"Well, I kinda sort of have to make you dead." He said leaning in, "Dead's going to be a bummer. Drones!"

"Let's go!" I said as we ran towards the door only to get cut off by a swarm of drones. Harris then FaceTimed Ryans phone, not a good time but thanks Harris.

"Guys! We're pinned down my drones, we could use a little help over here!" He yelled.

"We're a little busy our selves dude!" Ryan yelled back as he hung up the phone. Meanwhile I had ran to the other side of the room and found some scrap metal. 

"Mark! Catch." I said tossing him a led pipe while I kept a crowbar in my hand. Ryan used his powers to freeze a drone in place. Mark swung the pipe like a base ball bat smashing it to pieces.

"Whoo! He got all of that one!" He called. While he was gloating Ryan pulled him back, I stepped up to hold of some more drones. 

"Mark I need you to go find Harris and Spyder and get them out, okay?" I heard him say.

"Dude no way I'm not leaving you." Mark argues. "Why can't Dakota do it?" While he said that I swung the crowbar and made direct contact with a drone.

"Because I want her here. Especially with a crowbar, I'll stick with her." Ryan said. "Besides I'm not leaving until I have what I need. Spyder and Harris are pinned down by drones right now and have no where to go, I need you to go down there and clear a path for them. Trust me we'll be right behind you!"

"No way man I'm not leaving you, brothers don't do that!" Mark said refusing to leave.

"You did that all the time before." Ryan said.

"That was before-" Mark trailed off

"Before? Before you learned I was adopted!" Ryan pushed Marks arm. Mark grabbed Ryans shirt in return.

"Finally!" He yelled. Mark quickly let go.

"I'm so sorry," 

"No don't be," Ryan cut him off. "Be the swaggering butt knuckle I grew up with! I need him to help us right now. Nothing has changed, I'm me, and your you." Mark lightly shoved him.

"Hey, let's go save your loser friends." He took off just after I hit another drone. Ryan went back to trying to download the data and I continued to hit basically anything that moved.

"I don't like the sound of that." I said just after a voice said "lockdown activated" followed by another alarm. I turned back to the door to see it was halfway closed, I tried to stop it as Ryan ran over to me as he saw what was going on,

"My powers aren't working I can't stop it!" He said as I tried to pry the door back open with the crowbar, not that it worked.

"The probability of you defeating my drones continues to increase, the robot is gong to self destruct!" Leo OS yelled.

Regret - Ryan Walker - Mech-X4 fan fiction : Season 1 (EDITED✅)Where stories live. Discover now