Let's Get Our Robot Back - Part 2

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A/N I'm assuming you know what Ryan, Spyder and Harris did in the actual show while Mark was captured and It's pointless for me to just rewrite scenes when they don't change the plot so Ryan, Spyder and Harris are about to leave to where Mech-X4 is at this point I hope it wasn't necessary that I say that. Back to our scheduled programming.

[Marks POV]

As I watched Dakota sneak off towards the robot, I realized that I had no idea what 'distractions' this girl wants me to come up with. Soldiers began to tear the place apart looking for us so I had to move quickly. I ran behind a camouflaged structure and ran face first into a power generator. First thing that came to my mind was to rip out the wires. It will cause some form of havoc, I guess. 

"These look important." I said to myself. As I ran away, I could hear what ever I pulled made something explode so I did something right. I soon found out that the whole base is out of power, after listening in to the tent Grey was in.

"Get these machines, back online, or I swear," she was then interrupted by a phone ringing, "sir, yes, oh everything's fine, great see you then."

"Everything isn't fine." Davage said.

"Oh really? I hadn't noticed everything's going pear shaped. The leader is going to be here any minute! Those two... children, are becoming more trouble then their worth. Get rid of them. Permanently." Grey said. And that's my que to run.

[Dakotas POV] A/N okay this is going to be confusing, But what just happened is happening at the same time as the part your about to read. Kay? Kay moving on.

It took a minute but I made it to the foot of the robot and since they turned of the power, and I kept tying and trying to connect to the robot when I wasn't on the control pad, and it obviously didn't work, so I had no choice but to climb up a 150 foot tall robot when the stairs and ladders were laid down not standing up, which is a lot harder then you might think. Not to mention I think there is still a few pieces of glass in my back from the monitors I went through, which didn't leave a lot of strength to work with. I was about 3/4ths of the way up the robot when I heard some sort of electric explosion outside. Hey at least he's distracting them

[Ryans POV]

Me, Harris and Spyder we're sneaking around to each tent looking for Mark and Dakota, assuming their still alive.

"Marks not there." Spyder whispered as we moved on to the next tent. We rounded the corner to see two guards walking towards us,

"Hey! Gotcha." The one said. 

"Busted!" I could hear Spyder say.

"Ha, looks like you boys are lost, found th-" The second guard hit the first one in the back with some metal stick thing. He pulled of his mask to revel my brother.

"What took you guys so long?" He asked.

"Mark!" I yelled running towards him full speed into a hug, he almost didn't hug back, which is a little rude. I let go awkwardly when Harris said,

"It's okay to have feelings guys!"

"Not the time." I used his own line against him. "Wait, Mark, where's Dakota!" 

"Uhm, hopefully the robot." He answers hesitantly. 

"Hopefully!" I ask.

"I'll explain on the way let's just go." We turned to see guards coming our way.

"Ah that's not good." Spyder said. We turned another direction to see more people.

"Oh that's worse." Harris adds, we turned yet again.

Regret - Ryan Walker - Mech-X4 fan fiction : Season 1 (EDITED✅)Where stories live. Discover now