Let's Get Some Answers- Part 1

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[Dakotas POV]

It had been a few days and dealing with the crushing on my best friend thing is not fun.

 To make matters worse, before Mark joined Ryan and I in the control center, Ryan told me he and Yasmin were officially together. That hurt, even though I was the one who had to go an play matchmaker and give him advice too.

Ryan, Mark and I were up in the X-deck running through some training stuff and checking repair work. Spyder and a Harris, were who even knows where. I was chilling in my chair, Mark was standing at Spyders desk, while Ryan was strapped to the control pad, just playing around and did a back flip.

"Awesome dude your getting really good at that." Mark said.

"At flipping?" He asked

"Yeah! You nailed it! World class Ry-Guy" I looked up from phone at Marks cringe worthy comment and made eye contact with Ryan and tried not to laugh.

"Uh thanks." He said stepping off the pad and they both passed my chair and headed over to the hatch going back and forth with each other.

"Do you need anything, Uh... frozen yogurt"


"Fruit smoothie?"


"Can I get you anything?"

"Some space." Mark finally took the hint and backed off.

Awkward tension.

"Okay, um I going to go down and see if Harris has done anything with that note that mom gave me." He said.

"Can I come to? I'm don't want to stay up here by myself." Ryan nodded as Mark looked at me a little offended.

"I'm here." He said.

"You don't count." And with a mocking tone in my voice I said. "Nor do I enjoy most of out one on one conversations." He glared at me while he opened the hatch for the two of us. Ryan went down first and Mark literally held his hand the entire time, that is until Ryan smacked it off. Then when I went down I was halfway through, he let go of the hatch door, almost dropping it on me head. Jerk. I caught it and followed Ryan down.

"You know how much I hate your brother sometimes?" I stepped off the ladder and we walked towards Harris lab.


We walked into Harris lab to Harris examining Spyders shoulder.

"Hey have any of you guys been noticing that Marks been acting strange?" Ryans asked as I shut the door behind me.

"Normally I would say that dropping a heavy metal hatch door on my head is weird but let's be honest it's really not." I said sitting up on a table.

"Well he didn't know my name this morning, so no." Spyder answers. 

"And Harris, I really hope you analyzed the note before you started playing doctor with Spyder." Ryan said.

"I'm already searching all police and government databases for the print we found." Harris said walking over to his computer. "Bam y'all we got a match! And the lucky winner is," Spyder and I hopped up from where we were sitting and came over to the monitor to see a pretty creepy looking if you ask me, drawing of some guy named Leo Mendel.

"That's are guy." Harris said.

"Leo Mendel, finally a name!" Ryan said excitedly.

"Looks like the police have a pretty thick file on him, he's suspected of stealing large pieces of technology from several company's." Harris said reading off his computer.

Regret - Ryan Walker - Mech-X4 fan fiction : Season 1 (EDITED✅)Where stories live. Discover now