Let's Dig Deep - Part 1

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[Dakota POV]

Harris came to the med bay and met the four of us and Leo, and we had to break the news to him that Harper is sending the monsters.

"It was Harper behind the monsters the whole time." Ryan said under his breath as we heard Leo cough behind us.

"Ryan," he said sitting up.

"Take it easy Leo, your not a hundred percent yet." Harris warned.

"I have so many questions about my power, about everything, there's so much we need to tell you." Ryan said.

"I know, I know, I promise we will get to that, but now we need to stop Harper." He said rambling. "There's a giant pocket of primorphorous gel, it's the key to Harpers you know master plan to destroy the world. And trust me if he thinks that you've drowned in an underwater base, he's going to move fast to get that gel."

"Define fast," Ryan asked.

"Honestly, it could be days, could be minutes, minuets would be a bummer." He explained.

"Got it, questions can wait." He said. "We got work to do."

"Let's get down to Harper Futuristics and put an end to that guy." Mark suggested.

"We can't," Harris said. "Even if we take out Harper, his people will still carry out his plan."

"Then we have to get to the gel first and destroy it." I said.

"Then we should get Harper to stop dating your mom." Spyder added. "Really I'm the only one who thought of that."

"So Leo, where is this ooze pocket?" Mark asked trying to get us back on track.

"I don't know." Leo said pointing to his head. "He keeps all the important stuff locked up here."

"Yeah to bad you can't use your powers to hack into his brain." Spyder said.

"Ah ha!" Leo yelled. "Hack into his brain." He pulled out a notepad and started drawing a sketch that only made sense to him and Harris.

"I see what your doing." Harris said. "That's the part of the robot that boosts Ryans powers to connect with Mech-X4. But what are these modifications?"

"These are theta-band transceivers, so you can sync up to Harpers brain." Leo explained.

"And create a three dimensional memory scape, accessible to the technopathic plain! Ba-bam," Harris cheered "science!" He smacked Leos hand.

"Hold on, hold on," I said. "So we put that,"

"Oh it's a neurosplicer." Leo said.

"On Harpers head?" I continued.

"Then I connect to his brain with my power, to jump into his mind and figure out where the ooze pocket is!"

"Yes!" Leo cheered.

"Only one tiny problem." Mark said "Harpers never going to put that thing on."

"Well he doesn't know we're on to him." Ryan suggested.

"And he has a huge product launch tomorrow," Harris added.

"Your right," Mark said. "Harper thinks he's our buddy, I bet we could get tickets!"

"Hm." I said. "Anybody else up for mind-jacking an evil billionaire genius?" I asked. We all raised our hands, "Let's do this!"


"Hey amigos!" Harper called at Ryan, Mark and I as we approached him backstage the next day. "You made it!"

"Couldn't stay away." Ryan said. I don't know how he so calm. All I want to do it punch this man in the face. "Thank you so much for the VIP passes."

Regret - Ryan Walker - Mech-X4 fan fiction : Season 1 (EDITED✅)Where stories live. Discover now