Let's End This - Part 5

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(Ryans POV)

Dakota took my mom to med-bay and I went up the control center to chase after the missile.

"Moms safe in med-bay with Leo." Mark said stepping out of the elevator with Dakota behind him.

"Good, Harris what we got?" I asked.

"Just finished calculating the arc, we don't have much time before the missile reaches the ooze." Harris said.

"Then we have to get there first." I said.

"Company!" Harris shouted just before I got rocked from behind by Harpers monster.

"Spyder keep him off us!" I yelled. Spyder smacked his hand on the launch button, sending dozens of missiles to the face of the monster.

"He's already back on the move it's not going to stop him" Harris said.

"Then we need a missile big enough that can." I said with my mind racing. "What about that one?" I asked pointing to the sky.

"That big monster heart missile?" Mark asked.

"Grappling Grip?" Dakota suggested.

"Read my mind!" I replied. "Let's go for it! Grappling grip!" When I launched the hand from the robot it grasped around the missile perfectly, pulling it from the sky. "Alright you heartless monster." I said sending the monster heart back towards Harper. I don't know if my mind is playing tricks on me for what, but when I looked behind me, Dakota was actually smiling at me. "I believe that belongs to you." Everyone cheered as the heart went straight through the stomach of the monster leaving nothing but ooze behind. Harris, Spyder and Mark all joined me on the control pad, but Dakota was hesitating.

"Come on." Spyder said to her. "You know you want to." She smiled with her arms crossed, she slowly stepped down standing between me and Spyder.

"We did that." She said. "We actually did that."

"Damm right we did!" Leo said entering the room. "I hate to break up the party but what are we going to do about your mom?" Mark and I looked at each other.

"Oh!" I said as an idea popped into my head. "I have an idea."


(Dakotas POV)

"Kendall?" I called walking in my front door.

"Oh my god your okay." She said running down the stairs.

"You got my note right?" I asked as she hugged me. I was referring to the note I left on my kitchen table explaining where I went.

"Yeah I did. But I was still scared." She said.

"Rightfully so." I said as she let go of me. "I'm okay, the teams okay. And Harper is gone." 

"Really?" She asked. I nodded. "I don't know why someone being dead actually makes me relieved."

"Same here." I said. "But I'm back and the danger is gone so how are we celebrating!"

"Oh! I know what!" She said grabbing her wallet. "I'm going to grab pizza, donut king, and new brownie ingredients, When I get back we can decide on what movies to binge."

"I like the way you think!" I said while she put on her shoes. "I'll be back as soon as possible." I waved her as she walked out the door. I kicked off my shoes and went up to my bedroom. I sat on my bed again looking up at my bulletin board above my head board, just thinking to myself occasionally running my hand over my Mech-link I had forgot to give back. Better now than never I guess. I forced myself up out of my bed and back down stairs and hesitantly walked next door. I took a breath of relief when it was Grace who answered the door not Mark or Ryan.

Regret - Ryan Walker - Mech-X4 fan fiction : Season 1 (EDITED✅)Where stories live. Discover now