Let's Be Idiots - Part 2

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[Ryans POV]

Spyder and I walked back into the X-deck to Harris hard at work on a basketball hoop in the wall.

"Whoa you've been busy." I said. "And nice with the gravity pucks."

"Like it, little area for you to train." He comes back to the ground.

"Also I put in some video games and internet for Spyder. And that thing Mark likes." He said pointing to the hoop.

"So you did all of this. In two days?" I asked. He nodded,

"And now, we can 3-D print food." He opened a microwave, that was not there when I left and pulled out a sandwich. "Would you like a tuna sandwich built by science to be the best tasting tuna sandwich you've ever had?" I took a bite of hit handing part of it to Spyder and said,

"This is really good."

"Right!" Harris replied "can you believe this machine takes garbage and recycles it into food! Your eating a old shoe right now!"

"This is awesome!" Spyder says taking the rest of the sandwich and running off to another room.

"Now you have a place to relax!" Harris said. "What do you want to do first?"

"Well I'm gonna use these," I take the gravity pucks. "And I'm gonna crush that Jimmy Wilson kid."

"Isn't that cheating?"



"But is it really?"

"Uh, Yes I'm sure."

"You're sure it's cheating?"

"Every time you ask me if it's cheating it's cheating!" 

"But are you positive-"

"Ry your using gravity pucks to become a better skater to win a competition? I'm pretty sure it's cheating." Harris says. I put the pucks on the bottom of the board and began to rise into the air.

"Woo! This will do. Besides this is justice. That Jimmy Wilson kids a jerk."

"Your turning this competition into a battle, your supposed to be having fun." Harris said.

"Believe me, this will be fun." I told him.

"Okay sure but, what's Dakota going to say?" Harris asked with his arm crossed over his chest.

"Oh no. Yeah I forgot about that minor detail." I sighed, lowering back down to the ground. 

"Do you really think she's not going to notice those pucks on your board." He asked.

"Nah she's going to notice. I'll make sure she doesn't find out till after, she can kill me afterwards." I told him.

"Wouldn't she take points of your score for cheating?" He asked.

"I hope not, she said she wouldn't take points of Jimmy Wilson's score, so I'd assume that applies to me." I answer.

"It's your life my friend." Harris said leaving the room. 


Night time came and Mark headed of to a concert with Harper, I don't even know how that happened but it did. Spyder, Dakota and I arrived at the rec center where the skatepark was, Dakota left to get ready with the other judges leaving Spyder and I to get warmed up.

"Really you showed up? Get your beater of a board fixed in time?" Jimmy asked as me and Spyder stood of to the side talking after I warmed up.

"Yeah you could say that." I glanced at the gravity pucks. Thankfully Dakota hadn't noticed them on the walk here, she is so going to kill me when she finds out. All the skaters had been called to bottom of the ramp that had the judges table on top of it, just after Spyder left to go stand in the crowd I ran in to someone behind me, I turned to see principle Grey, and it was just as awkward as every other time you run into a teacher out in public.

Regret - Ryan Walker - Mech-X4 fan fiction : Season 1 (EDITED✅)Where stories live. Discover now