Chapter 2

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- Third person's pov -

// Uchiha District - main house //

"What do you mean you can't find her!" Mikoto shouts as tears fall down her face.

The ninja flinches, ashamed they couldn't bring better news to the grieving mother. That morning, when it was discovered that Ava was missing, all available Uchiha ninjas were sent out around the compound to find her. When they came up empty handed, a message was sent to the Hokage who then sent leaf ninjas to look around the village. They came back empty handed as well.

Sasuke looks up at his mother, tears running down his own face, and clutches her skirt. He had barley woken up when everyone went into a frenzy. While he didn't understand what was happening, he knew one thing. His sister was missing and no one could find her.

Itachi had left to look as soon as it was discovered Ava was missing. No one had ever seen him so panicked as he flash stepped around the village, looking everywhere and anywhere for any sign of his sister. It was noticeable to where villagers he was friendly with asked to help as well to which he gladly welcomed the help. By noon, the entire village knew.

Someone had broken into the village and taken a child from the Uchiha main family.

The leaf ninja were on edge. The possibility of war looming over the horizon ever since the clan head barged into the Hokage's office early that morning. A single thought was constant in the minds of the leaf citizens' though, who ever had taken the Uchiha's princess was crazy, out of their mind even.

If only they knew how right they were.

// Unknown Location //

In a dark room lit only by torches, a man sits on a concrete throne. The man was dressed in a yukata and wore it to where his right arm was in a sling made of the garb, but even then he looked intimidating. Even with half his face covered in bandages, his pleased expression was easily visible. The man was Danzō Shimura, the leader and founder of ROOT.

As he basks in his victory, a ninja bowing appeared at his feet.

"Sir, the village is in lock down. All the ninjas are on high alert, looking for the ones responsible for taking the Uchiha princess."

"That's to be expected." Danzō muses, a smile forming upon his face, "They did just loose something precious."

"What are your orders?"

Danzō hums in contemplation before coming to a conclusion. "Monitor the situation for now. In the meantime, bring me the girl."

The ninja bows before disappearing. Not a moment passes before they appear again holding the girl, Ava. Ava had her arms and legs bound together, as if they expected her to find a way out of their hideout.

"What do you want you old geezer?" Ava spits out, glaring at Danzō.

She had tried to hurt his feelings, or at least get under his skin, but it seemed it didn't work as he merely grinned at her.

"So this is the Uchiha princess." He mused, looking her up and down. "You're not much but your chakra pools are large and you take after Itachi, meaning you have potential."

Ava's glare depends as he stands and approaches her, his cane hitting the ground echoing off the walls. As he stood in front of her, Ava stared at the bandages over his eye. She was curious, but she wouldn't allow that to distract her from the problem at hand.

"I've decided that you will be useful to me." Danzō stated, as if she should be glad that was his answer.

To say she was less than amused would be an understatement. Ava was only four and even she knew that what the man was doing wasn't right.

"So you decided to take me, in the middle of the night no less, and that's supposed to make everything fine?" She questioned, looking up at the man as if he were stupid.

This seemed to get on his nerves as he clenched his jaw in annoyance. While Uchiha were good tools, Danzō couldn't help but wonder why they had free will. All that talent and power, only for it to be held by those he viewed unworthy of it.

"Take her to the others, she's a new recruit after all." He states to the ninja holding Ava. "Make sure her training is doubled, I can already tell she'll be a problem."

"Not as big of a problem as your fashion sense." Ava shoots back, completely done with the entire situation. "My grandma dresses better than you and she's dead."

"Insolence!" Danzō shouts before raising his cane and hitting her where her collar bone and shoulder met.

Ava cries out as pain spreads from where she was hit, a crack having been heard as soon as the cane came into contact with bone. Pulling his cane away, he glared down at the sobbing girl.

"I am now your master and you will obey me."

"Not with that hair cut." She answers, sniffling and trying to stop the tears the entire time. "You look like a palm tree."

Rage fills Danzō's eyes as he glared down at the girl. "Get her out of my sight!"

And the ninja flickered away, taking the crying Ava with them. Now alone, Danzō could only glare at the wall as his brain ran in all different directions. As he returned to his throne a grin spread onto his face despite his previous anger. The Uchiha eye's were now in his possession and he would be damned if they slipped away.

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