Chapter 10

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- four years later -

-Ava's pov -

"Ava?" Sasuke calls from the kitchen followed by the fridge being opened and ransacked. "Where are the tomatoes?"

"In the fridge." I call back from the living room where I was watering the plants before we left for the academy.

"Yea, I know the fridge. But where?" Sasuke calls back annoyed. 

"The middle shelf like normal." I respond, already walking towards the kitchen.

"It not th-" Sasuke starts when I cut him off by pointing to the tomatoes. "Oh."

"Yea. 'Oh'." I mimic him while grabbing a strawberry and popping it into my mouth. "Maybe we should get your eyes checked out." I joke.

Sasuke rolls his eyes in response as he grabs his tomatoes and puts them in his bag for later. "Come on, we should be leaving."

"Hai hai."

Slipping our shoes on, we head out. The path from the main house to the entrance was lined with cherry blossoms and required us to cross a few bridges to get over the various ponds installed. Overall, the walk was a sharp contrast from the hustle and bustle of the village.

It had been four years since the massacre and things had drastically changed. The first would be that it was decided that I would be the next clan head since I had a better handle on my emotions than Sasuke. That, and he didn't want to go to the clan head meetings held each month.

Second would be that we ended up remodeling the compound. The massacre was a traumatic night so we decided to create a memorial. It took a year and cost a lot, but the end results were worth it. We left the most important buildings intact but tore down the rest. In their place, we turned the compound into a garden.

When we going through the records, I came across a diagram of a garden that resided in the clan's old compound, before the construction of the village. Taking that, I ended up expanding it, allowing it to cover the entire area of the compound. It was pretty and a way to honor our fallen clan members.

Taking the rooftops, it didn't take long for us to reach the academy. Jumping down from a nearby roof, the two of us walked in highly aware of the multiple pairs of eyes on us.

Since the massacre, the village had taken up the new hobby of pitying the two of us. It was extremely annoying. 

Walking into the classroom, we take our seats towards the back. Sitting down, I put my legs up on the desk and lean back while Sasuke rested his head on his arms and looked out the window. Not long after we settled, stomping sounded from the halls shortly followed the slamming open of the door.

"I win!" The synchronous voices of Sakura and Ino shout as they shove each other into the room. 

I glance over as the two start bickering. It was too early for this. Glancing over at Sasuke, I nudge him arm, gaining his attention. 

"We get to leave after the exam right?"

He answers with a nod, causing me to sigh in relief. I didn't think I could deal with the two of them all day if they were already that excited. I seem to have relaxed to early though as the two approach us. 

"Good morning Sasuke-kun!" Sakura smiles brightly, a small blush adorning her cheeks. "Can I sit next to you?"

"Hey! I was going to sit next to him Forehead!" Ino shouts at Sakura, tugging on her hair in anger. 

I raise an eyebrow at the two but stay silent. They really are blind. Sasuke was sitting on the end of the bench and I sat in the middle meaning, they would have to move me if they wanted to sit next to my brother.

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