Chapter 9

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- Ava's pov-

The hospital bed was uncomfortable, I could feel the amount of starch used to clean it. 

When I woke up, I found myself in the hospital alone. Thinking the worse had happened upon not seeing Sasuke, I immediately sat up and tried to leave the bed, only to find that I couldn't.

A pair of chakra suppressing handcuffs stopped me. 

That brings me to the situation I was now in.

"Tell me about that night." Ibiki all but commands as he leans against the wall near the door while his assistant sat on a chair at the foot of my bed taking notes.

"Tell me where Sasuke is and I will." I reply.

This had been going on for the last twenty minuets. I was surprised that it was taking that long since Ibiki seemed to be in charge but, since I was in a hospital and not an interrogation room, I guess it made sense. Apparently, from what I could piece together, I was a suspect for what happened despite being under a genjutsu when they found me. 


"And, as I've said, you'll find out once you tell us what we need to know." Ibiki sighs, already annoyed with me.

It was impressive, normally it took me half the amount of time to get under his skin.

"Fine." I sigh, already annoyed that this had been dragged out to the extent it had been. "Let's see, you want me to start from when we were walking back from my therapy appointment or when we got to the compound? Oh, and I'm going to need to talk with Yamanaka-san. Sasuke, if he's still alive, is going to need to get therapy as well now."

This seems to peak the twos interest as the assistant writes something down.

"You're in therapy?" Ibiki questions, there was a slight disbelief in his voice.

"Against father's will yes. Itachi-nīsan thought it would be best considering what happened and mom encouraged it too." I reply in a board tone. "Doesn't matter what he thinks anymore though, he's dead and, I'm pretty sure mom would still make the two of us attend therapy after what happened."

"Start from when you left therapy."

"Well, Itachi-nīsan wasn't there to walk with us but we shrugged it off thinking he had a mission. Clearly that wasn't the case." Annoyance filling my tone before it shifted back to a dull tone. "When we got to the gates, there were no guards. This led me to walk up the wall with Sasuke on my back to get to the other side. From there, we walked through bodies and pools of blood home, only to find mom and father dead and Itachi alive and well in the room. From there, he went on a tangent before putting both me and Sasuke into a genjutsu."

Ibiki nods, the assistant scribbling down a few things as well.

"So, now that that's done." I raise my hand, the cuffs clinking against the bed. "You want to take these off me or are you going to have someone go through my head just to be sure I wasn't the one to kill my clan?"

"I believe that one of the Yamanaka's will be here soon to do just that." The assistant smiles at me.

Giving them a blank stare, I turn to Ibiki for a different answer only to see him shrug.

"Got to cover all our bases kid."

I hum in acknowledgment. 

"Of course, might as well seeing what my kidnapping amounted to. I'm sure the council would love to off me just because anyway. They never did see me as valuable, like they did the others." I muse, bitterness in my tone. "Never thought I'd see it outside of the clan but, here we are." I shake my chained wrist for enfaces. "I'm sure Sasuke's being given the best treatment possible, seeing as he's one of the last remaining members of the clan. Everyone loves a sob story."

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