paranoia (chapter 6)

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Phil pov-

After a few minutes they finally rowed to shore.

Phil looked down at the map that captain puffy gave them. "We should try to stay out of town, i don't know how humans would react to all these different origins" phil said. He looked ul from the map and looked around.

"Maybe we could cut through the forest?" Drista suggested. Everyone nodded their heads in agreement. "Ok so it looks like if we follow the path straight for a few miles we will make it to what puffy labeled 'check point'" everyone nodded. "Ok lets go" tommy announced before marching towards the entrance to the forest.

Right before they went in someone ran out. "DANGER DANGER THERE ARE D-D-D-DEMONS IN THERE! AAAAH" then man ran away. "demons?" Drista asks. "Maybe he saw a orign" niki suggested. "Maybe but what origin looks like a demon?" Everyone shrugged.

Phil thought he may know a few origins but deiced not to say anything. "No demon will sacre us away lets go!" Tommy announced before running into the woods. "Hey tommy don't run off you'll get lost!" Drista yelled.

Phil shook his head "lets go before you gets lost we don't know whats in there" every one nodded and followed phil inside.

Everyone stared screaming and looking around for tommy. "Why don't we split up" drista sayed. "No i don't want to get you guys lost to we need to stay together and find him" phil said. Drista sighed. "Drista i know you are worried about him but we need to stay together like phil said" niki said. Drista huffed one more time but didn't protest.

Tommy pov-

'Oh crap i got my self lost' tommy thought to himself. He was walking around the forest that for some reason was really dark. Probably because of the thick trees which means he was further in the woods than he thought.

Suddenly tommy felt like he was being watched. He shivered, "this place is so creepy" he wondered around looking all over hoping to find the others. 'I should have listened to them and not run off, i was just so excited ' tommy thought to him self. He heard leaves rustling and froze.

He slowly turnes around till he is facing a bush. He slowly approaches the bush but freezes again when he hears more rustling from the bush.

Before he could even think a bunny hoped out. He stumbled backwards and fell. After a minute of processing what happend he started laughing. "Wow the great tommyinnit scared by a bunny" tommy laughed to himself.

He got up and brushed him self off before continuing to walk around aimlessly, but he just couldn't shake the feeling he was being watched. With every small noise in the woods it made him jump and walk a little faster.

He wasn't watching were he was going and tripped over a sticking up tree root causing him to tumble down a hill. He screamed before he felt something wisp him away.

Phil pov-

Phil and the others had been looking around for hours and were really starting to get worried. Everyone froze when they heard a faint scream. "Was that tommy?" Drista asked. Phil looked at her before giving her niki's wagon. "You guys stay right here i think i know where that came from, do you hear me do not leave this spot" drista and niki nodded.

Phil looked at them one last time then took off flying. He flew threw the woods searching and hoping he would find tommy. "Tommy!" He yelled hoping he would hear him. "Tommy!"

He landed and paused hoping to hear something. "Phil?" He heard someone yell in the distance. "Tommy!" He yelled, he stared running towards where he heard the yelling "Phil!" Tommy yelled.

The yelling was sounding closer and closer as he ran towards it.

Niki pov:

Niki watched as phil took off. "Do you think tommy is ok?" Niki asks drista. "I hope so" drista said.

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