The beginning of the end (chapter 20)

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A week later everyone meets back in the mess hall. All changed and having different auras about them. Well except for tommy. Even though he trained just as hard as everyone else, he still could not awaken his avian legend. He hadn't told anyone else yet, he was too embarrassed. 

As everyone is gathering in the mess hall Charlie walks in. "Young legends, this past week you have been training hard, working to awaken what was already inside of you.  Today what I have standing before me is 7 young and capable legends, ready to face the world ahead. I am beyond proud of all of you." Charlie says, smiling at them all though his gazed lingered a little too long on tommy. 

"Today you will be sent out into the world, destination? The safe house!" Charlie announces. "I have been able to locate the group that had disappeared. I have relayed that back to Phil, he will be arriving at the safe house soon." 

Everyone was so relived. "Go collect your things and get ready for the journey ahead."

-Safe house group- 

Drista looked at Scott, "What do you mean a week into the future!" she yelled. "What if we missed the war?" 

Scott shakes his head, "Everywhere would be a waste land, The war hasn't started yet." Drista huffs. "Guys?" says Fredie, "where are we?"

"Thats what I've been wondering" says a voice. Everyone looks up and sees a figure flying down towards them. "Phil?" Drista yells out. 

Phil lands next to them. "Where the hell have you guys been?" he asks. Drista runs up and hugs him. 

They retell their story to Phil. Phil nods his head, "Ok well let's get into the safe house and wait for the others, I'll catch you guys up and everything while we're in there. 


The legends trudge along them slopy terrain. Trying to make it back to the safe house as quickly as possible. They walked back the way they came. Through the swamps, past the cave where drista almost died in, past skeppys shack. 

Finally, they made it to the beach. "Why are we here?" asked Fundy. Tommy laughed, "I may have called in a favor." 

As if on que a giant ship came into view. "Omg tommy is that who I think it is?" Niki says in awe. Tommy nods, the other 5 looked confused. 

"Guys I would like you to meet-" "Aye their mates, good 'ta see 'ya again tommy! and Niki!" The lady cuts tommy off. Niki runs up to her giving her a hug. "Uh who is this?" asks foolish. 

"Why there so many of 'ya now, nice to meet all of you! I'm captain puffy!" 

Tommy and Niki fill in everyone on captain puffy. "She helped us across the ocean last time." Niki explains. "I got a message that tommy 'n Niki needed to be taken back to 'yer safe house, that's a far trip, but I can get the lot of you to Phil by tomorrow." Captain Puffy says. Everyone nods, "Come arbored, let's get going!" 

A couple hours into their trip, it was a quiet night. Tubbo and foolish where below deck asleep, they had been attached at the hip since training. Niki was standing on the deck, overlooking the ocean. 

"Watcha looking at Niki?" Fundy asks, leaning on the side of the ship. "Home" she said. "It's been so long since I've been out in the ocean, I wonder what's going on at home." Fundy looks out at the ocean, "Probably shitting themselves because they pushed away the best merling ever." Fundy says, bumping his shoulder against her. "Thanks Fundy." Niki smiles. 

The waves gently crash against the ship as Fundy and Niki look out at the ocean together. 

Horns blares out, startling everyone awake. "What time is it" Tubbo whines. A man with horns walks downstairs to where everyone was sleeping. "Hi everyone, I'm badboyhalo and I've been sent to tell you guys that we have arrived." 

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