"You do.."

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°Tanjiro POV°

*Me and Zenitsu were hugging like for 10 minutes,I was feeling happy like I don't wanna let's go forever...but I wasn't that happy with kanao..*

Hey Zenitsu..?~Tanjiro


Can we..~tanjiro

You want to let go?~zenitsu

Y-yeah the others will search for us~tanjiro

Are you ok?your stuffuring~zenitsu

Yeah i just fell strange~tanjiro

Oh ok let go~zenitsu

°No one POV°

Tanjiro and Zenitsu came in the mission where everyone was ready with the dinner and already talking

So you guys came back?~Giyuu


Oooh~ what happened love birds?~Aoi


Guys you know i with Kanao and i love her~tanjiro

We are just joking~aoi

Right kanao?~shinobu


Zenitsu was goin in his room in rush he wanted to cry so bad, untill he was in his room he started to cry but was trying not so hard because the others will hear him

Oi Monitsu?~inosuke

Inosuke came in, he was worried about his best friend..just running to his room and say nothing

Inosuke was Zenitsu crying in his bed,of course inosuke got worried again and designed to go next to him


What?leave me alone...~zenitsu


Why not?!~zenitsu

Because I'm worried about monitsu~inosuke


Yes are you deaf!?~inosuke

Ok ok...stop yelling~zenitsu


Inosuke hugged his friends,he didn't know how to make someone stop crying..at least Zenitsu was knowing that inosuke is doing his best

Hey it's alright I'm okey now! see?~zenitsu
said with a happy smile

If you say so moron~inosuke


Let's just go back damnit~inosuke

If you say so~zenistu

Zenitsu and inosuke came back with the others

Is everything okey?!~Aoi

Yes is it don't worry~zenistu

If you say so~Aoi

I'm gonna wash the dishes call me if you guys want something from there~kanao

If you want i can help you!~tanjiro

No it okey~kanao

If you say so~tanjiro

Love you~kanao

Love you too!~tanjiro

Zenitsu was full of sadness but he tried his best to hide it from tanjiro and Zenitsu wanted tanjiro to be happy after all the crying, annoying and chasing his sister..

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