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I believe in genderband Tanjiro and Zenitsu supremacy ‼️

Also the name of this chapter almost doesn't have nothing with what I wrote 💁
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───────────── .°୭̥ ❁ ˎˊ˗

It's sunny morning. The birds signing, warm outside. Everything was great. Zenitsu slowly opened his eyes from his magical dream only to see
"Good morning!!"
The blond yelled with his full voice. Him thinking it's a monster but who'll know,. it's was his boyfriend!
Tanjiro quickly put his hand over Zenitsu's mouth.
"Zenitsu! It's me! And don't yell it's 8 am! Plus..Shinobu will kill us if we wake up the other's"
He designed to whisper the last part
"Godammit Tanjiro! You scared the living hell out of me"
Zenitsu semi-yelled pushing Tanjiro slightly, a chuckle can be heard from the younger one
"I'm sorry dear, now let's go have breakfast before Inosuke eat it all! 💦"
The hanafuda earring boy helped the blond one to stood up. Both of them holding their hands, they made their way to the kitchen seeing Inosuke waiting peacefully for them.
The older and the younger looked at eachother and then Inosuke again. They did that multiple times.
Tanjiro and Zenitsu were too surprised to see Inosuke actually waiting for them
"Thank you for waiting for us Insouke!"
"Whatever. Now let's eat!I'm hungry!!!"
// Time skip~ //
•|| after breakfast 🥐 ||•
"That was delicious!"
"I agree!"
Aoi was watching the three boys from far. They had just finished their meal. She was happy to see that people actually REALLY enjoy her food!
"Oh! What a great morning to see you here Aoi-chan"
Shinobu approached to her, putting her hand on her shoulder.
"Good morning Kocho-sama"
"Good morning to you to dear!"
Shinobu tried changing the subject and do not leave one of this akward moments when there is silense.
Meanwhile Aoi looked quite excited?
"Are you exited for the fight?"
No. In fact she didn't even liked the fact that they may loose so many people.

"Wha- no, it's not that. I'm just happy to see the boys actually enjoying the food I made"
"Oh my, I don't know if you've heard me saying it but I love your cooking. Exactly when you do Tempura!"
Aoi chuckled slightly. That made her more happy. Hearing her big sister to say that to her! She was happy to have siblings like her and Kanao. But of course one was missing.
"You really know how to make my day Kocho-sama"
"I'm just saying the truth Aoi, as well. You can call me Shinobu"
"Arigatō Shinobu-sama"
"Ehh it's still something!"
Аs Aoi turned around to look at the boys, they were already gone. But if you look carefully, you could see that the plates were washed!

Meanwhile with the three boys, well. They were training- or at least tried to.
"Soo what kind of training we're supposed to do?"
Asked Zenitsu
"Hh- I think we need to find out by ourselves?- I'm sorry Zen my brain is dead right now (╥﹏╥)"
"Inosuke do you have any ideas?"
"Well mister dumb pikachu, why don't we try to make or unlock another breathing form?"
"Wow- he is not that dumb I see-"
Inosuke yelled as he started chasing Zenitsu. Of course. Zenitsu started running on the opposite direction.
"Guys! Guys! Let's-"
"Zenitsu don't!-"
// Zenitsu point of view //
Inosuke started chasing after me when I said he wasn't that dumb. I mean- it's a compliment!. I was yelling and screaming from Inosuke chasing me. You'll yell 100% too if a boar with man's body but woman's face chase after you with their blades!
Sometimes I even have the feeling he's trans- Actually. He is to dumb to know what's that- or?-
I was deep in throughs that I didn't realise Tanjiro's blood was boiling- I can hear the angry snuffing coming from him.
".   .   ."
"hE snApPeD-"
Inosuke said trying to annoying him
After he said that I came across him and pat his shoulder
"Let's start, and. You're cute when you are angry"
I winked after that. I turned around and made my way to my poor blade that was on the ground. I kinda threw it after Inosuke started chasing me. But not at Inosuke.
When I got my blade of the ground and I turned around I could see Tanjiro still standing in the same position with red face. I guess I broke him. Hah! Thanks to Kanao I wouldn't put myself together to flirt or even think about something that would make him blush- somehow she's good at flirting.
"Trantarooooo wake upp"
Inosuke was shaking Tanjiro nonstop
"Inosuke leave Tanjiro alone"
"Shut up carrotsu"
"Carrostu?! That not even close to my name!!???"
"Sure zebitchu"
"I'm not dealing with that"
I started cleaning my blade from that dust that was left on it. I hate when my blade or haori is dirty. Meanwhile Inosuke continued to shake Tanjiro.
"I n- n- n- n- osukeeeee"
I giggled slightly at Tanjiro and Inosuke
"I'm gonnaas p- p- p- pokeeee"
From giggling it's turned into laughing. Seeing Tanjiro speaking like that while he's dizzy it's funny. I can't imagine if he was drunk.
"Is that how you three are training?"
I froze as I heard a quite similar voice behind me. It's was a feminine one. Could it be? 😰
I saw the other two looking at me with a scared look. I turned around ready to get jumpscared by Shinobu's murdering smile.
As I expected. I got jumpscared.
"You three are having a small game huh?what if I give you three a game.
"W-well Shinobu-sama! We we're just begging the training but-"
"We didn't k-know what kind of training to start-"
From the scary murdering Shinobu that was behind me. She turned happy and sweet for a half a second.
"Oh my! I must have forgotten to tell you both about it!"
We three nodded
"Well, every one of you will go in a different forest. I've prepared 3 of them. In all of them there is a strong demon, even two. Who knows! But. The training is to see if you'll survive on your own before the fight against Muzan. If you come back alive, well. There is a small chance for you to survive!"
// Third person point of view //
Zenitsu blushed after him yelling that in his mind. Did he really wanted a family with Tanjiro? Yes he did. But what if both of them die during the fight? What if one of them die and the other is alive? Life must be sad without your loved one.
(I don't even want to imagine)
"So..when are we goin?"
Tanjiro asked, he was sad about that he won't be near is friends, I mean. One of them is his boyfriend but he had to do it. For everyone. For them. For Nezuko. For Zenitsu.
Inosuke was quite this time, no "WHAT" or "HAHA I'M GONNA FIGHT!!" this time was sort of sadness.
"Shinobu-sama, how long are we gonna do that training?"
Asked Tanjiro
"Until the demon is slayed"
"I see, Then can we spend our time together until we go?"
"Of course!"
As Shinobu said that Tanjiro runned to the other two grabbing their hand and taking them somewhere
"Where are we goin?"
Questioned Zenitsu, He didn't mind getting grabbed away. Exactly if Tanjiro is the one grabbing him
"To have fun of course!"
"I'M IN"
Yelled Inosuke. Zenitsu could hear happiness coming from the two males. He was happy too, since he's goin to have fun with his friends. He couldn't be more happy right now.
(Imma skip the fun thing- I'M SORRY-)
It's was around 22:30/10:30 pm.
The boys just got back from having fun, they were on a festival, they ate a lot of food, Zenitsu and Tanjiro buy eachother something, Zenitsu buy a necklace for Tanjiro, Meanwhile Tanjiro buy a ring for Zenitsu. They also meet Murata on the way, while Zenitsu and Tanjiro had fun Inosuke and Murata were on a food stand! Inosuke was also curious why Murata's face was kind of red? Eh he didn't care that much.
"Sure it's was!"
"I agree!"
Three of them agreed, today was totally fun. but. It's was time for them to get ready to go.
"Are you boys ready?"
Kanao was in the room, she didn't want them to leave tho but they had to. The mostly reason she didn't want them to leave is because Tanjiro is getting Nezuko with him-
"Oh- yeah..totally"
In fact, none of them was ready but like Kanao trough, they had to
Tanjiro already had Nezuko in her box sleeping, Zenitsu had Chuntaro on his head and Inosuke was holding his boar head. All of them were in front of the door ready to leave. The three small girl's were there too with Aoi, Kanao and Shinobu. Aoi had made and gived them food that would at least last for 2 or 3 days.
"Please don't leave!"
The small girl with the ponytails said in sadness
"Please please please!!!"
This tame the three of the girls said in sadness, they didn't want to Inosuke, Zenitsu and Tanjiro to leave too.
"Oh girls! I'll miss you so muchh!!!"
Zenitsu cried hugging the girls, the girls started crying as well. They pulled Kanao, Aoi and Shinobu into the hug. After that Shinobu grabbed the other two male's and bring them into the group hug.
After a moment or two all of them let's so, some of them had shed a tear.
The three boys waved to the girls, they started making their way to the place where they will be apart.
After 10 minutes of walking they were there.
"So..that it huh?"
Zenitsu said, he was ready to cry but he didn't wanted to look week in that kind of moment.
Tanjiro nodded softly
Inosuke immediately hugged both of them. He started crying. After Zenitsu and Tanjiro heard Inosuke crying they started to do the same, they just couldn't help it but cry right now.
That was the time they were going on their own. Are they gonna die during the training? Are they even that strong to defeat the demon's that are killing without mercy? No one knew. But they three hoped that everything is goin to be okey and they'll make it alive.
Inosuke had already left.
It's was Tanjiro and Zenitsu now. They both were looking at eachother straight in the eyes, both were getting closer and closer until their lips touched.
Yes. They kissed.
They both started crying again during the kiss, Tanjiro broke the soft kiss and he touched his forehead with Zenitsu's. Both were smiling looking at eachother.
That was where they'll probably see eachother for last time, at least for weeks, maybe month's or maybe even year's.
Both kissed again but this time was a small kissy
When the hanafuda earring boy and the blonde one calmed down they let go of eachother. The both male's were smiling again looking at eachother, after a second they both turned around and started walking to their directions.
With hope.
They'll meet again


Word count: 1958

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