"In one bed"

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You do..?~tanjiro

Yes i do know tanjiro~shinobu

All right.. Thanks for the help Shinobu-san!i will talk to kanao!~tanjiro

Well no problems dear i hope you and kanao-chan be friends after all!~shinobu

°Tanjiro POV°

This where i take my leave from Shinobu-san room and goes to kanao's

*Knock knock*

I was so nervous..what is kanao doesn't want to break up? what is she doesn't want to be my friend after all i was goin to do to her!

Yes tanjiro?~kanao

Can we please talk..?~tanjiro

Of course but is everything alright you sound sad~kanao

No I'm fine thanks for asking..!~tanjiro

Then let's talk!come in~kanao

We sid on her bed,I never was nervous like that before!

Well is everything alright?~kanao

No..i wanted to tell you that..~tanjiro

Come one spill it out~kanao

I-i want-...~tanjiro

I want to break up!!~tanjiro

Now she's gonna hate me forever..



I also wanted to talk to you about that..~kanao

What? But why?~tanjiro

Well i started to like your sister..~kanao

..MY WHAT!~tanjiro

Don't well..!~kanao

O-oh my bad😅~tanjiro

It's fine I don't think anyone heard you~kanao

I hope so~tanjiro

Well what was your reason for breaking up?~kanao



I think i like Zenitsu..~tanjiro

Well go get your man before is to late tho~kanao

Since when you started talk like this?~tanjiro

Since we broke up~kanao

Oh- oh yeah!~tanjiro

But you know we need to tell the others about that we broke up..~kanao

Yeah but they gonna ask why~tanjiro

Let's say it's a bit personal ~kanao

Okey but i gotta go help for dinner!bye kanao!~tanjiro

Wait tanjiro~kanao


Does anyone else know that you like Zenitsu?~kanao

Only Shinobu-san but don't worry she will keep it a secret!~tanjiro

Alright you can go help now~kanao

Goodbye kanao!~tanjiro

I was happy that me and kanao didn't fight! but i forgot to ask if we are still friends..i guess i will ask her one dinner!~tanjiro

{Skip time gus I'm lazy🤷🏻‍♀️✨}

Everyone dinner is ready!~ uzui

Uzui yelled from the kitchen while me and mitsuri were putting the table

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