"I'm Sorry"

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Zenitsu jumped on me with a kiss in touching our lips together in the same  time

That because your my big hero!~Zenitsu

And I always will be!~Tanjirou
°Creator POV°

It's was already night with the two love
birds.They were at the butterfly estate garden with their friends Inosuke and Kanao.

Kanao was training while Inosuke were dumbing his head at the threes.

Zenitsu and Tanjiro were fighting eachother.Not like they didn't love eachother.But...

They just didn't trust eachother.

"Would you guys stop fighting..?This is the fifth time this week."
Kanao added.She was worried for them of course like Inosuke.She don't want Tanjiro and Zenitsu to broke up or have the something called "Break".
"I will stop when he stop talking with the girls around him!!"
Tanjiro yelled.It's normal to feel "Jealous" bc of girl's around the on you love.
Exactly Zenitsu.
He did tell them he had to pretend to like Nezuko.
But they still didn't know if it's true.
"Me!? What about you and Muichiro-kun?!"
[kanao POV]
'Zenitsu is right aswell tho..'
Since they started dating Tanjiro-kun always go to train with him.
Not like they don't like him or something.
And they trust Tanjiro but sometimes.. They thinking the same as Zenitsu.
These weeks Tanjiro has been late for mission or even one time he forgot Nezuko.
And always go to Muichiro when it's already midnight.
" Let's just continue training and please both of you shut your criken shruken mruken mouths!"
That will shut them for a while •^•;
[Time skip: Midnight.]
[No one's POV]
Inosuke were sleeping while Zenitsu designed to pretend to sleep.
He trough it's was time for him to know the whole truth. Did Tanjiro is cheating?
Or is he making something awesome for Zenitsu? I will let you all guess.
Tanjiro begin to stand up from his bed as he changed quickly and leaved the room.
After Tanjiro leaved Zenitsu got up from him "sleeping" and designed to follow Tanjiro quietly.
Tanjiro wasn't running or something he were just walking like a normal person who were goin to back from school.
Meanwhile Zenitsu was enough quite so Tanjiro can't hear him coming.
Tanjiro was almost at his destination as Muichiro can be seen very clear.
"Welcome again Kamado"
Muichiro said with his normal voice.Actally Zenitsu were surprised that Muichiro at least remember Tanjiro last name.
"Hello Muichiro-kun"
Tanjiro said back as him and Muichiro started running somewhere plus you can see Zenitsu Jealousy from very very far.
Zenitsu did followed them of course but tried not to be so loud after tripping for 29282 times -_-; (lmao)
After some time Zenitsu and reached the place Muichiro and Tanjiro were doing something.Are they preparing for a party?-
Zenitsu asked himself, at the next position Zenitsu turned around for a moment he saw them " kissing".
(Omg I swear this chapter look like this roblox stories)
Actually the truth is that Muichiro and Tanjiro weren't kissing.They were just looking like they do bc of the position.
Actually..they we're starting eachother to see who can stay more long like that.
Muichiro may be 19 but he still have some of his kid side like Tanjiro.
Zenitsu begin to cry aswell he runned away from what he seemed.
For a First time he felt so heartbroken.He didn't feel like that even after Nezuko-chan weren't in love with him.
Tanjiro herd someone's footsteps amd turned around at the time he saw dandelion hair.
Tanjiro face started to get hot and his stomach to hurt as he started chasing the blond boy.

"Zenitsu wait!!"
Tanjiro keep running and yelling after the blond one but he was to fast.Tanjiro didn't care if he would be out of breath he needed to reach the boy as soon as possible.
After 5 minutes of running Zenitsu got out of breath and just got in the closes roon and lock it.
While Tanjiro saw clearly where his dandelion boy go he got in the door and knocked aggressively.
"Zenitsu please listen to me!!"
"No get out!!!"
Zenitsu had yelled at Tanjiro. It's was his first time yelling not only at Inosuke foe begin to loud.He was to emotional right now even if he didn't understand that ACTUALLY happened.
"Zeni! I swear it's not what is look like me and Tokito-kun were just-"
Zenitsu didn't even let him finish.He list wanted to be alone right now.
"Just Go!I don't want to see you right now!?"
Zenitsu word cut Tanjiro like knife.Tanjiro weren't just sad about what happened.He was more then worried if they will break up..

"I'm sorry.."

Word count : 780
Are they gonna break up?
Are Zenitsu gonna believe Tanjiro words?
I will let you see in the next chapter..
Love u •^•; <3

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