"Merry Christmas"

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Hdjxj so this is special for Christmas and bdixjxn yeah I'm not spoiling anything more 💀
."Zeni! I swear it's not what is look like me and Tokito-kun were just-"
Zenitsu didn't even let him finish.He list wanted to be alone right now.
"Just Go!I don't want to see you right now!?"
Zenitsu word cut Tanjiro like knife.Tanjiro weren't just sad about what happened.He was more then worried if they will break up..

"I'm sorry.."
(Time: 10 am)
(Day: Sunday)
(Date: 24 December)
(Situation: Bad to good)
°Third person Pov°
Zenitsu was locked in his room for already 2 days.
The only thing he came out was for a mission, food/water or to use the bathroom.
Tanjirou tried everything to talk with him.
He even slept In front of Zenitsu door because he knows his dandelions is scared to sleep alone without him.
Sunlight were hitting Zenitsu face, Birds were signing their morning song.
Zenitsu would get up and get himself ready but he was to tired for that now.
He had gotten to sleep at 3 am, He was to exited for Tomorrow
Everything was amazing If he couldn't count Tanjirou.
He still loved him, Of course he will.
He didn't know if Tanjirou was still into him after the "kiss".
Zenitsu forced himself to get and do his bed hair to his usual style.
After making this done he make his way to the bathroom seeing Tanjirou wasn't in front of his door like usual these days.
'Where is he..?'
Zenitsu designed to ignore his troughs and continue his way to the kitchen.
"Good morning Zenitsu"
He turned around after seeing someone caling his name.
It's was Shinobu-sama.
She was her usual demon slayer uniform but there was ribbon and coat on top of it. The coat had the colour of her haori.Her butterfly pinch was also different.It's red and white, as well had a small bell on it.

It's red and white, as well had a small bell on it

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"Good morning Shinobu"
Shinobu looked at Zenitsu with bright smile
'She looks happy and exited for today..Oh yeah it 24 November'
Zenitsu trough as he scratched the back of his neck and was about to make breakfast for himself but then something came through his mind.
'Did the others already had breakfast? I'm just gonna ask them'
She looked at the flower hair looking boy with confused look on her face.
"What is it Zenitsu?"
"Do you know if the other Hashira's and The Kamaboko squad already had breakfast?Since I didn't want to eat alone and to fe-"
Zenitsu got cut of by Shinobu.He didn't mind tho.
"No they didn't..But that really sweet of you Zenitsu-kun!"
Shinobu would feel smile on Zenitsu face, she liked seeing people smile and do a lot of kind and useful help to her and the other's, just like Tanjirou.
"Alright, Thank you for telling me Shinobu-san! I will do good job with the Breakfast for everyone >:>"
She'd giggel at Zenitsu expression but she didn't want to look like a child that much but she couldn't handle it and giggled.
Zenitsu face got red from hearing Shinobu guggle at him.This kind of things were embarrassing for him
Some time later after feeling all better Zenitsu started making Onigiri's and Ramen for lunch as Shinobu make her way to - the butterfly mansion.
It's was around 10:47 am already.
"At 12 we eat lunch so I need to be fast as at the time the others come to eat the table would be ready as well!"
"Now.. Let's first make the Ramen, It's a way more easy and faster to made"
(Time skip: 11:54 pm)
Zenitsu had prepared tye whole table and the food.
He wanted to make more food for tonight dinner since all of the people in the Butterfly estate and the -- will also be there.
He had made 3 kind of food for lunch and 4 for dinner.
Zenitsu through at the last moment that it's would be good if he made some meet with the Onigiri's and The Ramen.
A minute later Muichiro came in
"Hello Muichiro"
Muichiro had problems with remembering things but he always had tried to remember someone.He hated seeing people sad from him not remembering them. This actually reminded him of someone looking just like him. He was this guy everytime he was doing hard work.This guy has always telling him to keep goin and yo try hard for the people he love.This guy had made Muichiro cry inside but he didn't know why...He didn't remember him..
Muichiro was doing his best to remember Zenitsu.
He was a vision that looks like the blond boy
Zenitsu would be heard from 3 milles away, Inosuke was chasing him thinking the blond was challenging him.
Mitsuri had came seeing Muichiro looking confused at the three boys.
Tanjirou was laughing at his friend actions.If you look close you can see some tears of joy in the hanafuda earring boy.
"They are quite funny aren't they Muichiro-kun!"
Misturi had Giggled and sit next to Muichiro looking at the direction where he was looking.
"Yeah..but who are they..?
"Have I meet them?"
Muichiro looked at Mitsuri in her emerald green eyes with confused face.
"Yes you did!The blond one is Zenitsu Agatsuma!
Mitsuri had pointed the boy with her finger and Muichiro looked quite at the boy
"The looking attractive woman boy name is Inosuke Hashibira!"
He'd turn his way to the chasing and loud boy and smile.
"And finally there is Tanjirou Kamado!"
Mitsuri had bright smile on her face while Muichiro trough he may knew this boy.
"Isn't that the guy with the little demon..?"
Misturi looked at this time at Muichiro and his l looking sky mixed with ocean eyes.
"Yes that him!As you know his name if Tanjirou!"
At this time Obanai had come.He was there for 3 minutes already and looking at Muichiro with little jealousy.
The snake guy fake coughed since the both pillars didn't notice him.
Both turned their head and looked at Obanai. Mitsuri had her blush and surprised face while Muichiro just stood there with an usual face.
"Ah! Iguro-san!I didn't notice you were here as well!"
Muichiro looked Obanai in his eyes.He would see his cheaks quite pink.
'Does he..Love her?'
Muichiro didn't know much about love.He knows only that you feel these kind of stuffs around your special one.
He haven't had anyone before..The only people he knows are the pillars, the master and this boy looking like him.
"The Master is waiting for us"
Obanai had spoken and Mitsuri got up at this time
"Let's go Muichiro-kun!"
"I will come later.."
"Alright!See you in five minutes!
Mitsuri and Obanai had make their way to the meeting room.
"Zenitsu, Inosuke..and Tanjirou.."
At the time he said their names the guy looking like him appired In front of him.
"It's you again"
"Yeah it's me!I wanted to tell you to keep goin and do your best!We all believe in you"
The guys in front had said with bright smile
"Before you go..Can I know your name?"
"Of course!"
After saying his name the guy disappeared with smile on his face.
This somehow hurt Muichiro..a lot actually..he didn't know why but for sure he was goin to listen to this guy words.
^End of Flashback^
Muichiro remembered the name while Zenitsu stayed in quite but comfortable silence
"You are.. Zenitsu right..?"
After hearing his name the blond boy looked the boy with suprise.He knew the wind hashira had a memory loss and it's was quite awesome hearing him saying and remembering his name.
"Y-yeah!I am Zenitsu!"
Muichiro would feel himself proud of that he remembered someone else and not only Tanjirou last name and the guy who keep talking to him
"You look good today!Are you hungry?I made some lunch"
Zenitsu broke the silence again and asked the wind hashira with hope he would like the food.
Muichiro outfit was like Santa Claus. It's was quite cute and adorable looking him like that, he looked like adorable child

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