•01• Final selection Arc S1

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"What's your ideal type of woman?"

Strong woman✔︎

"Everything is possible for the chosen ones

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"Everything is possible for the chosen ones."



SIX EYES, The most powerful ability that ever existed, on senguko era and the rest for every generation that inherits, the power of breath of space.

Gojo Satoru, Ancestor or the first user of the breath was far more genuine and michevous. Considered to be the strongest living creature. Years have passed after thirty years no one had a lucky life, to inherit the breath.

But that change, Ever since y/n was born, and came to this world. She has a bright blue eyes that can always attract peoples attention since it shines even in the sunglight.

The breath of space was very hard to mastered if you dont have six eyes it has only eight form but powerful enough to defeat demons, her father, knew that (Y/N) will be powerful in the near future.

After the death of her father she learn a lot about the breath of the space and tell how she should mastered every form, and trained her really hard to activated her limitless. In order to

He gave her a black blindfold that passed down to every chosen user of the breath of space to protect their eyes.

Breath of space user hides their eyes for a reason because using them would tire them out too quickly.

They can see through it even if they are still wearing the blindfold therefore user's eyes work so well, she doesn't need them to see in the traditional sense.

So her eyes are so powerful, she can basically use them while they're covered. Her powers are so strong that she pretty much uses them to see for her.

Her family was very rich so somehow the fortune was also passed down to her but oyakata-sama which the master of the demon slayer corps also took care of her when her father passed away.

When She grow up as a beautiful tall woman she became much more powerful, and almost killed a lot of demons.

Your appearance somehow frighten the demon king himself remembering the first space user that he always feared, the appearance of the new user worried him so much for his life
that he even offer you to become a demon that night.

While you were walking back from a finished mission. You dont really get tired even using her breath since she has limitless and can't even get wounded by demon because of her infinity.

You stopped when a familiar figure wearing a white hat standing not too far away from her.

You raised a brow recognizing the man infront of her which is muzan kibutsuji.

"Look who is it? Accepting your death right now?" She said cheerfully since y/n always has a childish personality.

"Never have ever i encountered another space user for almost 400years." He said giving her a thin smile which you returned with a very disgusted face.

"Yeah yeah, I'm the chosen user after all." She said raising her pointer finger feeling proud to herself.

"How about you became a demon?" He said straight forward without hesitation making y/n's smile drop and puts her hand down.

"How about No." you said smirking at him which make the male glare at him but he just ignored your intense gaze since you never feel any fear for this man.

"If you became a demon. You will become more powerful and doesn't even get old." He said still convincing her which pisses her off.

"What makes you think that i will abandoned my humanity?" She said removing her blindfold which reveal her angry looking eyes that glows under the moonlight.

Which send shiver down to his spine he never felt this fear after 400 hundred years ago the same eyes that almost send him to death the two bestfriends from the senguko era that he wish will never returned.

"Muzan. You're a being that should not be allowed to exist." She said and raised her pointer finger which made him gasped.


"What do you think happens? If this void touches you?" She said smirking while using among of energy to create a small red void to fire it to him.

He panicked and try his best to dodge the energy but somehow it still coming from him so he had no choice to run away from her.

The ground was broken from y/n's powerful attacked while the trees was being damage alot.

"Eh?" She said smiling when she can no longer feel his presence.

"He was good at hiding his presence." She chuckled and put a hand on her pocket dress.

"Run away like a dog muzan but the next time we met i will never let you get away." She said and just used her energy to teleported back at the head quarters

When she was back at the headquarters, okayata-sama are having a meeting with the pillars. Y/n basically haven't met them before considering in a past few months she was always oversea for an important business it was nine pillars that kneeling infront of him while he was discussing something to them.

Okayata-sama offered you once to become a pillar but she refused and just stayed at the headquarters without having any ranks but somehow okayata-sama always recruiting her to teach breathing and trained the cadet of demon hunters for starter and get in to the final selection.

When the master noticed a familiar woman standing behind the pillars he stopped talking and turned to look at the woman behind them giving her a warm smile while the twin's beside him also did.

"Y/n my child you are back." He spoken making all the pillars turned to look at the woman standing behind them which left them confused since they never saw this woman before.

"Yah! I wasn't planning on coming here." She said cheerfully making the master chuckled since y/n always has this energy.

"Master who is she?" A pink haired woman said while theres hearts flowing from her since the woman look so fine and beautiful.

"She is Y/N L/N just like all of you she was also a demon hunter." He explained but somehow they left more confused since she isn't carrying any swords beside her.

"Why doesn't she have a sword?" One of them asked the blue eyed boy with a long hair.

"I'm a breath of space user i dont't need one." She said making their eyes widen.


❝STRONG WOMAN. ❞ ➤ 𝘿𝙚𝙢𝙤𝙣 𝙎𝙡𝙖𝙮𝙚𝙧 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now