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"I thought i was hallucinating."

Strong woman✔︎

Strong woman✔︎

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"That strange white haired-woman."



BY THE SUN, raised up feeling the warm wind just brush against an unconcious young boy's skin his eyelids slowly to began open adjusting his blurry vision surrounding the white ceiling inside this ward.

When tanjiro finally regained his conciousness fluttering his eyes travelling across the room seeing that his mentor was sitting besides the bed. Your head was resting on both arms having a peaceful sleep not wearing any protector from your dangerous beautiful eyes.

His hands just slowly pat the young woman's soft white-hair as gentle as possible trying not to wake you up.

But your instinct was sharp so you slightly move with squinting eyes and soon stares at the young boy with a wided eye.

"Tanjiro, So you're awake?" You said having a soft smile flastered on your lips.

"S-sensei? How long have you been in here?"

The bandage wrapped around tanjiro's head was making him hard to move his severe head, Injuried was still bad.

"Oh, don't worry i just got here. Kanao was the one was always here.."

You explained having a heavy sigh leaving your lips, you just thank kanao for every day she was there taking care of tanjiro when he was unconcious. You couldn't deny the fact that the young girl likes tanjiro i mean who wouldn't like such a precious boy like kamado tanjiro?

The words of geto was still troubling you so you planned to meet with him again if his saying was true. It sounds too reckless but you didn't know why you trusted him this time.

It's somehow weird everytime you lurk around the city you always see this creepy looking monster hugging a person's body or even following them wherever they go. It's about four years ago since you didn't thought about it by always saying in your mind it's just a ghost.

But you're wrong about that.


❝STRONG WOMAN. ❞ ➤ 𝘿𝙚𝙢𝙤𝙣 𝙎𝙡𝙖𝙮𝙚𝙧 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now