•14-Redlight district arc S2•

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"Red light district, A place filled with lust and greed.."

Strong woman✔︎

"Do you want to be my wife?"

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"Do you want to be my wife?"



DAYS HAVE PASSED, Everyone manage to get back on their mission to slay more demons lurking around the city.

As much as (Y/N) wanted to go out and slay some demons out there, her foster father won't even allow her.

So she was stuck on shinobu's butterfly mansion helping the young girls do they chores here, But sometimes you boredly sat here on this ward staring up on the sky.

"(Y/N)-Sama?" You heard a feminine voice from behind you, Seeing Aoi just brought you some sweets. They know how much you love them.

Your eyes sparkle staring at the delicious, Cakes, Chococolates, and strawberry."Thanks, Aoi-chan."

(Y/N) thank her before eating the sweets having a gloomy aura flower's surrounding herself.

"I'll go get the laundry outside. Enjoy yourself there." She bowed to you and walked outside to reach on the garden.

The three young girls helped her out a bit, having a smile on Aoi's lips she did almost a lot of chores here.

A strong wind suddenly caught her attention making herself look behind.

She can feel a presence of a person just now.



As (Y/N) manage to finish all the sweets on the plate, wiping some trail of chocolates on her chin. Proceeding to walk on the kitchen and place the dishes.

It's been a week, Tanjiro and his sister was out slaying demons. She barely see tanjiro when the boy only had free time to rest.

"Please let us go!" Someone yelled from the outside making (Y/N) furrowed her eyebrow, Hearing a commotion just now.

She moved outside wearing her boots seeing that a pillar just holding Aoi like a sock of rice on his shoulder. On top of the roof.

"Let Aoi-san go!" Tanjiro's voice yelled making you realized that the young boy was already here.

So he just came back from his mission, He was practically begging the sound hashira to let aoi go.

❝STRONG WOMAN. ❞ ➤ 𝘿𝙚𝙢𝙤𝙣 𝙎𝙡𝙖𝙮𝙚𝙧 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now