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"I'll save you no matter what."

Strong woman✔︎

𝟶:𝟶𝟶 ──────◍─── 𝟷:𝟹𝟶

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𝟶:𝟶𝟶 ──────◍─── 𝟷:𝟹𝟶

We're family and i will never let anyone harm all of you.



FOOT STEPS, Can be heard as you run and separate ways from the wind pillar so you can already hunt muzan down, the rage inside your body was taking over your emotion.

You will never forgive him, you've been trying to hold back on killing him but right now. You wanted to erase him from this world. The thoughts of exterminating him gave such peace on this beautiful world.

Using the incredible power of the six eyes, you manage to truck him and jump down on the fortress not even bothering to the biwa woman you encountered months ago, she must be afraid of seeing you again. Because the fortress resemblance her body.

The fortress create a slight tremor everywhere knowing that the demon woman knows how extremely made you are.

You saw muzan on the corner of you eye. He killed all those helpless demon slayer scattered everywhere on the floor, limbs were torn.

This increase your anger more making an intense blue energy just flow all over your body, while gritting your teeth tightly.

How dare you killed my subordinate?

How dare you kill. Dad.

"MUZAAAAN!" You shouted and run toward him with an incredible speed while closing your fist shut attempting to gave him a strong punch.

He gasped when the demon king saw a red firey energy on your fist attempting to punch him.


You shouted and directly hit his upper abdomen, which made him vomit some blood as a result. The rage and power on your curse energy was increasing it's strength.

You jump back as you finally gesture some hand using the power you extremely hold.

"Lend me your power gojo-san.." You whispered softly as you close your eyes waiting for you to go back on the path, seeing your ancestor was already there sitting on the rock with his usual look.

"Kiss me first."

"Urusei! I'm your relative!"  You yelled at him on the inside of the path smacking his head hard creating a sound.

"Ow! Why you so aggressive?" He said rubbing the back of his head that you hit. You took his jokes seriously which made him pout childishly.

"You need to hurry up, moron."

Gojo gasped by your words holding his chest like acting hurt by your words but deep down, he just wants to tease or annoy you. Which is working so good.

"Chillax, time stops there."

"Woah that's cool."

"Yeah i'm cool."

"No you old man."

"This old man can make a girl screa- ACCSHSKK-" You choked him on his neck harshly to shut him up.

So the book was actually true your ancestor had a perverted side. Good thing you didn't adopt his persona which is very embarrassing literally for everyone.

"Letchcask." He tried to spoken some words which you finally let go of him letting him breath for another air.

To be honest, this place looks real which was overwhelming. The thing seeing Gojo like this made you think that he's like a real human.

But deep down he's dead and no longer can interact on the real world.

"I will lend you my power. But this time i'm not kidding..." He said in serious tone which made you gave him a raise eyebrow.

He leaned closer to you which made you back away immediately giving such weird expression, you honestly don't know what's on his mind.

He's the first user and the strongest.

"Relax. Collide your forehead to me." He said locking eye contact to you.

The six eyes, you saw the vibrant color of blue on his eyes as thick clouds was moving on the inside you were drawn into them. It's beautiful.

Is this what people see on my eyes?

You did the exact thing he said this time letting your forehead collided into him, there's energy passing down on your body making you realize he's finally giving you the real power of the six eyes.

"Say hi for yoriichi-san for me."

He said in a soft tone as everything went back to reality and you saw muzan was holding his abdomen that you hit, making his regenerate went delay its making him hard to heal.

Your eyes turn back to normal and saw Gojo was nowhere out of sight what did he mean by that?

Yoriichi is the sun breath user one of tanjiro's ancestor.

You smirk widely as the power was already on your hands, making muzan sweat in terror feeling the familiar power that you're having right now.

The nightmare he receive hundreds of years ago was back.

The nightmare he receive hundreds of years ago was back

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I'm so sorry if this book was so delay to update. I was busy watching one piece for four months lol forgive me.

❝STRONG WOMAN. ❞ ➤ 𝘿𝙚𝙢𝙤𝙣 𝙎𝙡𝙖𝙮𝙚𝙧 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now