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"What's your ideal type of woman?"

Strong woman✔︎

"I dont talk to weakling so step aside

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"I dont talk to weakling so step aside."



When the woman just told them that she was a breath of space user since it was very hard to mastered and it was a popular breath, They got so shocked that there were finally a chosen user of this breath, which is why she is covering her eyes with a blindfold.

She tilted her head on the other side left dumbfounded to them she snapped her finger to them.

"Hello? Earth to pillars you there?" She said making them shook their heads.




The master held his pointer finger on his lips making their mouth shuts and bowed down their heads again to apologized this time.

"Yes it is the most powerful breath y/n inherited all the breath,abilities and the six eyes from her ancestor." He explained which amazed them all more.

"Since the first two breath was created by space and sun the user of the sun has a mark on its forehead which is also capabilities to see the transparent world.." He continued while all the pillars was listening to them you step foward and stood beside okayata-sama while the twins back away a bit.

"Well even tho the space user from back then doesn't have a mark he is still capable to see the transparent world using his six eyes.." He explained more making them got amazed...

"Okayata-sama are you saying that?" A woman with a insect eye said.

"Yes. Y/N L/N is the strongest demon slayer as a living organism.." He said.

"YUP! THATS ME!" Y/n cheered feeling confident to herself which just left then in dotted eyes.

"Respect her even tho she doesn't have any ranks. She is still consider much higher than all of you she teaches breath trained and hand to hand combat to slayers." He said grabbing y/n's wrist.

"So she is also are master?" The yellow haired boy mixed with red spoken this time.

"Definitely... Y/n can teach you all more a lot of things which also involed with energys that can make a breath more stronger." He said and let go of her wrist.

"I'm going to teach them? I was planning to go oversea again." you said and sighed feeling defeated since you planned for a vacation and buy some souvenirs.

"Stay here for atleast a year without an oversea business thats an order." Okayata-sama tell her which make her eyes widen.

"Wah! You so cruel oyakata-sama." She faked cried while the pillars laughed at her childish personality..


Inside the headquarters.

She was pouting while looking outside the window of the headquarters her plans was ruined everything was planned for her business trip, thoughts, was so deep not even noticing that the pillars gathered infront of her turning her gaze to them.

"Oh shit? Am i in trouble?" She said making them laughed again.

"Ofcourse not! Y/n-sama we are just grateful that you are our second master even at a young age." The girl with a pink haired told her while holding both of her hands.

"I'm not that young babygirl, perhaps i'm literally 19." She chuckled making her blushed when y/n gave her a pet name.

"Oh! How rude of me. I am mitsuri kanroji the love hashira nice to meet you!" She said smiling to her.

"Nice to meet you too." She said while everyone introduce themselves except for one boy that is far away from them just looking a their direction.

"Tomioka-san. Dont be rude introduce yourself to her." Shinobu said feeling a bit irritated to the boy.

He sighed and took a stepforward infront of her to bowed down to her.

"Giyu tomioka. Nice to meet you Y/-sama." He said giving a emotionless stare.

She smiled and studied his features he looks so handsome but doesn't like to interact with people and just barely speak.

"Giyu-kun." She said making their attention was now to them while giyu hummed waiting for her to speak again.

"What's your ideal type of woman?" She said making their heads tilted on the other side with a question mark on top.

"EHH?!" Mitsuri said while everyone looked at her she covered her face for the embarrassment.

"Pardon me." She said face turning red.

"What's your ideal type of woman?" She repeated with a flying kiss to him.

He tried his best to hide the blush closing his eyes to remain his emotion the same not giving any effect.

"Ara ara~ Y/n-sama dont ask a antisocial guy." Shinobu said in a teasing voice while pointing at giyu.

An irk mark appearred on his forehead when shinobu literally tease him infront of their second master.

"Shut up." He hissed closing his eyes and just breath heavily.

"All i want was nice woman with a kind heart thats all." He said making y/n impressed to his answer.

"Not bad if you had said something like "big boobs" i'll beat you to death." She said raising her pointer finger making them sweatdropped to her sudden dangerous aura surrounding her.

They just left silence and no one bothered to talk making y/n laughed.

"Now now! How about you guys whats your ideal type?" She cheered clapping both of her arms.

They sweatdropped and run away from her leaving giyu there which she left in dotted eyes.

"Eh?? Whats wrong with them? They dont have ideal type then?" She chuckled and turned to look at giyu.

"What is it? Giyu-kun?" She said since he never left with then just standing there.

"Y/n-sama i know you are the only one i can trust." He said making her face turned serious.

"Spit it out." She resting her chin on her hand.

"Theres a girl that turned to a demon i was shocked that she protected her brother even tho she was already a demon i send the boy to the former water hashira to trained him to become a slayer however....." He said looking down  at the ground.

"I know the demon slayer corps will not allow something like that. But please help the boy cured his sister.." He said looking at the blindfolded woman.

"Your personal feelings?" She said giving a thin smile. He nodded.

"Sure. Anything from my students." She said smiling to him. "However what was the boy's name?"

"Kamado tanjiro..."

❝STRONG WOMAN. ❞ ➤ 𝘿𝙚𝙢𝙤𝙣 𝙎𝙡𝙖𝙮𝙚𝙧 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now