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"Save your tears, For another day."

Strong Woman✔︎

Strong Woman✔︎

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"Life is percious you gotta value it."



THE LOOKS OF, Pain in your eyes while staring down at the black-haired male leaning his back on the wooden house. Your bestfriend.

He was back after four years of his disappearance his existant felt like it was nothing. Geto can hide everything by his own will, But you couldn't gave emotion to him.

You wanted to cry, But no tears are felling off, The tears from your eyes somehow got tired of crying over him, Even if you cry all day, He was just not coming back from the same getou you met four years ago.

The thoughts of moving on was a lie. memories are still jolting whenever you saw him, stitch of the wound was slowly opening again. It Feels like yesterday.

You grip a hold on tanjiro's head, This time you couldn't predict, his mind, Afraid of leading your students to danger. Its too early to deal with him besides you guys are in the middle of a battle.

You maintain eye contact for him for atleast a minute, surprisingly he close his eyes and gesture his hand, his thumb pointing at the direction of the alleyway behind him, making your eyebrow furrowed in confusion.

He slowly opened his eyes, mouthing a words under his breath, you didn't even need to hear the words, you read it for how his lips move in sync.

'Meet me there.' He formed a thin line of smile before, walking away hands on his pockets. You stared at his back speechless casually walking away. Soon his figure was no longer out of sight.

'What did he mean by that? Is he planning something or he was just want to talk to me?' This thoughts bothered you so much. Your six eyes couldn't tell which is rare to happen.

Tanjiro's eyes went wide open when a spirit of his brother on his dream told him to save nezuko before she lost control of herself. He jolted away from your chest, looking around the wrecked places.

He was passed out for atleast Ten minutes, his thoughts got cut off realizing that you were just infront of him.

Swiftly grabbing hold both of your hands to face you closer to him.

❝STRONG WOMAN. ❞ ➤ 𝘿𝙚𝙢𝙤𝙣 𝙎𝙡𝙖𝙮𝙚𝙧 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now