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"Hate me and love me at the same times."

Strong woman✔︎

Strong woman✔︎

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"Searching to blame someone was just a pain."



AS THE DARK, Of the night comes to the thee everything that surrounds the place was scattered with broken woods of house it was like a battle field of war, side by side it's all wrecked.

The young slayer, finally gained concious when his blurry sight met the shining bright of the moonlight alongside of cirrus cloud are drifting by, his vision trying to adjust slowly when a figure of young girl finally made clear on his eye sight.

He jolted awake looking for his friends especially the sound pillar himself. The battle was intense to the point that it gave them hard time to cut the demon's neck all of them are pretty injured and poisoned.

"Nezuko! Did you save me? The others?!" Tanjiro asked his small demon girl sister, He stood up and look around the place.

'Wait, I got poison why am i still moving?' He thought touching himself expecting that the poison was still inside his body.

"Tanjiroooo~" His thoughts were cut off when zenitsu's voice can be heard from a far.

Small demon girl nezuko immediately carried his brother on her back, knowing that he was badly injured.

They saw zenitsu was crawling on the ground crying himself out, it was like he just got woken up after the battle. Tanjiro sighed and tap her sister shoulder dedicating to put him down. They stood infront of the yellow boy.

"When i woke up my whole body hurst and why the hell my legs are broken! Who did this to me! It hurts! I'm so scared!" He cried out having slight of tears flowing down on his cheeks.

"You're okay that's great."

"No I'm not! Where the hell is sensei?! I wanted her hug to comfort me!" He said holding tanjiro's ankle.

The young slayer's face went sad remembering their mentor, but he was hoping that (Y/N) was still there and didn't caused any trouble to herself.

"I'm pretty messed up! But inosuke was even worst! He's over there!" Zenitsu pointed a the direction for where inosuke is.

He was laying down on top of the broken roof. Tanjiro immediately run towards him while his sister was following him from behind.

❝STRONG WOMAN. ❞ ➤ 𝘿𝙚𝙢𝙤𝙣 𝙎𝙡𝙖𝙮𝙚𝙧 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now