𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 7 🦋

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Madisons POV
I started getting really nervous
Jack never mentioned anyone called Sasha
Why all of a sudden is she getting mentioned

Phil - did he not tell you about her
M - he never mentioned her
Jack - Madison let's just go and I'll explain everything
Phil - oh come on jack we all know your not gonna tell the truth
M - what truth
Phil - well
Jack - Phil shut up
Phil - well for a long time jack has been dating this girl called Sasha and I'm pretty sure they broke up a while ago but jack has been hooking up with her quite a lot
Remember 2 days ago when Jack wasn't home for a couple of hours
M - ye
Phil - well he was with us boys getting wasted then ended up sleeping with Sasha and you know they did more than sleep
Jack - that's not what happened..
Phil - oh shut up it is what happened don't try to change it

I was shocked and really hurt me and Jack weren't dating 2 two days ago but he said to me that he didn't do anything with anyone I put all my trust in him

Jack POV
I was fucked
I promised her I didn't see anyone and I wasn't but I was drunk and everything just happened and I never wanted it
Phil was obviously jealous but this was low he could have kept it a secret and I know that's bad but it would keep me and Madison together.

Jack - Madison please can we just talk
M - I'm gonna go home.. *she walks out the pitch and to the car*

Jack - you fucking prick *I say to phil*
Phil - what it was the truth
Mason - that was low phil
Phil - she deserved better not some dude literally fucking someone else behind her back
Jack - you know I didn't do it on purpose
Phil - do I look like a give to shits

All of a sudden Phil god a notification on his phone so he checked it and to his suprise it was a dm from Madison

                             Madison beer
Hey Phil x
                                              Hey beautiful what's up
Do you wanna go out later
Maybe have some drinks.         
                                       Ye sure I'll pick you up at 7 x
Alright see you  xx

Phil - look who just dm'd me
Mason - Madison
Jack - what the fuck did she say
Phil - we are going out for drinks later since she finally realised that I'm better
Jack - I'm gone

With that I just grabbed my stuff and walked out the pitch and drove back home .
I enter the house and I see Madison on the couch

Jack - Madison what the fuck
Madison - that's what I should be saying to you
You're the one who had your dick inside of another girl
Jack - you just fucking asked phil to go and have drinks
Look I'm sorry but I was drunk and I just didn't know what I was doing but I didn't mean Anything I did she was my ex and I just wasn't realising what I was doing
Madison - I'm not ready to forgive you

And with that she walks upstairs and doesn't speak to me for the next 2 hours .
Tyrone is home so Atleast I get to speak to him .

Madison POV
I was honestly upset but maybe I could try and hang out with someone else so I chose to hang out with phil
I started getting ready and I wore ripped shorts with a black tight top and high heels and I thought I looked hot so I posted on Instagram

Madison POV I was honestly upset but maybe I could try and hang out with someone else so I chose to hang out with phil I started getting ready and I wore ripped shorts with a black tight top and high heels and I thought I looked hot so I posted on...

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@madisonbeer - moving on sounds good 🦋
Liked by - @jackgrealish , @masonmoumt and 123,456 others
@philfoden - wow Im lucky tonight 😍
@masonmount - HAVE FUN
@user754825 - she looks so fake and ugly
@sasharebecca - fucking slut your so fat

I walked downstairs and the first person I see is the tall figure with brown hair just staring
Jack - *whispers* wow          

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