𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 12 🦋

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Jacks POV
I can be really stupid sometimes , I don't know my I shouted at her I honestly just felt jealous because she wore something really beautiful and even tho I trust her , I don't trust Ben with my girl I know he's gonna talk her into some shit about my past with Sasha .
I called her just to apologise I don't want to be miles away from her and us fighting .

M - hey baby I'm sorry
J - hey no don't worry about I'm sorry for shouting at you , I do trust you I just don't trust Ben he Will start talking about shit that happened with Sasha in the past and I know it doesn't matter since I don't want anything to do with her but I still don't want you to be all upset or worried about it .
M - thank you , I know you were just trying to protect me it's just , the only reason I chose to hang out with Ben because I just don't really have friends , I spent those 2 years of you guys being away all alone , I didn't make any friends so I thought me trying to become closer to yours would make you like me more
J - it's not about that I just know they are all single and they will try to do something with you like remember what phil tried to do , your gorgeous Madison anyone would want to be with you
M - why thank you grealish
J - god I miss touching you especially when you posted that picture made me feel a different way
M - Ooo am I making jack grealish the guy with the best haircut in the England football team horny
J - shut up *laughs* I gotta go and eat but I'll call you later at night . Bye I love you
M - I love you to grealish

I hung up and then I got a text from Ben
                              Benny ⚽️
Benny ⚽️
So I heard you told your
Girl not to hang out with me
You scared that I'm better
Than you 😂
                                                   Definetly not I just
                                                   Know your gonna talk
                                                   Shit about me
Benny ⚽️
And why tf would I do
That .
                                                   Becuase you quote on
Quite think she's hot
Benny ⚽️
She is bro
The things I would do to
Her body
Alright bro that's enough
Benny ⚽️
Well imma go hang out with her
In your house since you guys
Aren't there .
Ben don't you dare fucking
Touch her .
Benny ⚽️
Mhm okay sure

I shouldn't have left there alone , he's gonna touch her for sure but I've tried to text her and call her but she's just not responding which is weird because she normally responds really quickly which makes me really nervous
I call Ben .

Jack - Ben bro please don't tell me you are at her house
Ben - she's actually right next to me
Jack - you fucking prick give me the phone
Ben - alright then
M - hey baby I'm sorry my phone was dead and well Ben
Jack - did he touch you
M - jack can we talk about this later
Jack - no we fucking can't
M - please
Jack - fine call me later *hangs up*
Jack - ty I'm going back home
Ty - what ! Why you can't
Jack - my girl is more important
Ty - I understand that but you need to focus on football
Jack - no I'm going or he's gonna do something to her I promised to always protect her

Madisons POV
me and Ben where having a good time but he was getting really touchy , it made me really uncomfortable
Jack obviously loves her that he's
Coming back but please comment idea

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