𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 11 🦋

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Jacks POV
me and mads where talking until a got call from Southgate which was weird because today was our day off meaning no calls no distractions from relaxing , I answered his call while standing up .

Jack - morning couch everything good ?
SG - morning grealish , actually things are going very good
Jack - why is that
SG - well you got called to have 4 important interviews in Italy
Jack - Italy ? For how long
SG - well they said 10 days but it could be less or it cold be more , so do you think you will be able to go the flight is tomorrow night
Jack - I'll speak to my girlfriend and then I'll get back to you
SG - not problem lad just think well , bye
Jack - bye *hangs up

From there conversation I could tell Jack was worried but also happy I don't know why tho all I heard was Italy that's it
M - who was it ?
J - Southgate he said I had this opportunity to go to Italy for 10 days for 4 interviews
M - omg that was always your dream going to Italy bang I'm so proud *hugs him*
J - I know I just don't wanna leave you here
M - don't think like that I'll be fine I have Tyrone he will keep me safe and not lonely
J - I actually love you so much
M - I love you to grealish
J - the flight is tomorrow night and I think I'm going with um Tyrone fuck I really don't want you to be alone for 10 days
M - oh it's fine don't worry I'll call you every night *winks*
J - fine I'll go

I was honestly quite nervous of staying alone but I've done is before For nearly 2 years and to be complete honest I don't have many friends apart from Tyrone and jack which he is also way more than just a friend but other than that ty is all I have which makes me sound lonely but when you think about it like that I do kinda like being alone .
*skip to the next morning*
I woke up and jack wasn't next to me so I went downstairs and I saw him and Tyrone all dressed up in jeans and a shirt with there suit cases packed up .
M - morning *goes up to jack and hugs him*
J - good morning gorgeous
Ty - morning mads
M - oh are you guys going now *I look confused*
J - oh ye sorry we thought maybe going early would be better.. *he says in a guilty way*
M - oh okay..be safe  I'm gonna miss you..bye I love you
M - bye ty

Jacks POV
I honestly felt really bad that we had to leave early , mainly because Tyrone wanted to get some video in the airport before we go on the plane but either way we would be like 7 hours early which is annoying.

Madisons POV
not gonna lie I was a bit upset that they left early but since it was the weekend I thought maybe it would be fun to hang out with someone and the only person I could think of was Ben , Ben chillwell which funny enough
Was jacks bestfriend I have know him for ages but I never really hang out with him

                           Ben chillwell
Mads 🦋
Hey Ben I know this is
Unexpected but I was
Wondering if you wanted
To hang out in an hour
Maybe go to a cafe or
Something .       
                                                           Ben ⚽️
                                                           Oh hey sure I
                                                           Would love to
                                                         I'll pick you up .
Mads 🦋
See you then

I texted Ben then went and got dressed in a knitted blue bra top which I know is a bit revealing but I wanted to post on Instagram so Jack could see I also wore normal blue jeans simple but nice makeup with my hair up then I posted on Instagram.

@madisonbeer - do you see me 🌃Liked by - @benchillwell , @tyronemings ,@sasharebecca and 256,839 others Comments @benchillwell - can't wait to hang out 😉@tyronemings - I can tell your bored already @sasharebecca - she's literally not even wearin...

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@madisonbeer - do you see me 🌃
Liked by - @benchillwell , @tyronemings ,@sasharebecca and 256,839 others
@benchillwell - can't wait to hang out 😉
@tyronemings - I can tell your bored already
@sasharebecca - she's literally not even wearing a top
^ user5935 - she is are you blind
@personfier - your sooo pretty 🤩
{134,493 more comments}

Jacks POV
Ty - yo bro check your girls Instagram post
J - um okay
I check mads new insta post and not even lying she looked gorgeous but she wore a bra kinda top which literally made her boobs hang out and then on top of that Ben my bestfriend literally said he couldn't wait to hang out with her .
Ty - I think they are going to hang out bro
J - he's my best friend he wouldn't do anything right
Ty - I don't know bro honestly mads is a really pretty girl but she really nice and won't say no to anything or
Anyone she doesn't really have the strength to defend her self so anything could happen
J - *sighs* imma call her real quick
*calls her*
M - hey bab- *jack interupts*
J - where are you going with jack and why him
M - oh well I was bored so I had no one so I decided to ask him if he wanted to hang out and he said yes
J - what are you wearing
M - just Tight jeans and a bra top
J - your boobs are literally hanging out
M - oh sorry I can change if you want I didn't know you didn't like it
J - ye go do that
M - jack whats up with attitude
J - well you're going to hang out with my best friend look mads do you not have your own friends like you've hung out with mason , phil , and now Ben like I love you but it gets annoying when they try to get with you
M - oh I'm sorry..I didn't realise I..
j - *he hang up*
Madisons POV
I was a bit upset because Jack did have a point I just didn't realise he got annoyed by it . Honestly sometimes I don't think , I guess I'm not going out today .

                                 Ben ⚽️
Mads 🦋
Hey Ben I can't hang out
Jack said I couldn't , I
Really wanted to maybe next time
                                                           Ben ⚽️
                                                           Ah that sucks I'll
                                                           I'll talk to him
                                                           Thanks though x
Mads 🦋
No problem 😊

Longest chapter so far - 1076 words .
We can obviously tell jack is jealous but maybe there's a further reason and Ben said he would speak to him..but what is he gonna speak to him about..wait for the next chapter to see

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