𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 15 🦋

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Madisons POV
I woke up peacefully on jacks chest , last night felt like a dream everything felt so real and passionate . It was 6:30 am so it was still pretty early but Jack had training at 8:30 am so he needs to get up soon . After 20 minutes just laying there thinking a pair of strong muscular arms rapped around me .

"Morning princess" said jack in his deep morning voice
"Morning grealish"
"Last night was amazing , I'm so glad that i did it with you and not some hook up from the local bar"
"It felt the same as the first time , maybe even better . Why me jack"
"What do you mean" spoke jack in an unfamiliar tone
"Why did you choose your first time to be with me , why did you choose to date me" asked the girl in a way that only jack could understand
" because since we were younger you were all I ever wanted , when we broke up no matter how many one night stands I had I could never forget you , it was always you and it will always be you" 
"I really do love you Jack grealish"
"And I love you madison beer"

The two lovers were always meant to be together , ask jack said no matter how many times he tried to get over her , he could and he shouldn't , they were so clearly soulmates

"I'm gonna go and make you breakfast since you need to go to training soon"
"Thank you , you can coke and watch me if you want I don't think Southgate would really mind"
"I don't think they really like me so I'm just gonna stay home"
"Baby don't think like that , most of them call you hot most of the time"
"Fine I'll come eat your breakfast , I'm gonna go get ready I'll come back after"

I go upstairs and do what I normally do have a shower , do my my makeup get dressed and then take an Instagram picture

@madisonbeer - crazy in love 🌊Liked by - @keiragrealish , @jackgrealish , @judebellingham , @jadonsancho and 802,592 others

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@madisonbeer - crazy in love 🌊
Liked by - @keiragrealish , @jackgrealish , @judebellingham , @jadonsancho and 802,592 others

@jackgrealish - wow you're hot Madison 😳
^ @madisonbeer - so are you grealish
@jadonsancho - hot
@keiragrealish - bae you're stunning
^ @madisonbeer - ahh thanks babes
@declanrice - heyyyyyyyyyy

{435,492 other comments}
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Jacks POV
when we arrive at the training all the guys were all just sitting down in the lounge waiting for us

"Took you long enough" said Walker while still focusing on his phone
"Hey madison" says mason while looking her up and down
"Oh hey mase" she said quitely while smiling
"Mads , looks like you moved on quickly" said an unexpected voice from the back
Sorry this is a short chapter but what do you think sancho is gonna reveal to the team or is he gonna keep madison and his past relationship private..come back to see 🦋

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