𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 18 🦋

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Jack - you what..
M - it just happened..I'm sorry
Jack - I'm not hungry..
M - jack please..

And with that jack just left , he felt hurt in that moment he knew that girl for his whole life there's no way she would do it on purpose . Madison on the other hand just sat there staring blankly at his chair , she felt that she ruined everything, she didn't have any bad intentions but for some reason she felt that she needed to get that kiss over and done with .
Jacks POV
I'm frustrated but deep down I know that she would never in a million years try to hurt him purposely that's just not who she was , all of a sudden I got a rush of anger run over me I had to talk to him . I ran to the boys room which they all share and I just couldn't hold back

Jack - you fucking prick !
Mason - which one of us are you talking to
Jack - I'm talking to the twat that kissed my girlfriend
Jadon - it's not like she didn't kiss back
Jack - you went up to her first you bitch !
Jude - alright jack mate chill
Jack - no I won't this prick kissed my girlfriend!
Jadon - aight mate but it's obvious she enjoyed it more than you
Ben - oi Jadon shut the fuck up bro
Phil - Sancho dude don't make it worse
Jadon - no I won't ! I'm guessing she didn't tell you right , your girlfriend is the one who called me last week
While you were busy signing contracts .
Jack - that's it you fucking twat
I couldn't control it I ended up hitting a few punches to the face and one to the chest before chilly and Walker pulled me back and Jude and phil pulled the son of a bitch back , Jude takes Jadon out the room and I just sit on one of the boys bed . Then I get a phone call .
Jack - what..
M - jack please..listen to me
Jack - I know..he kissed you..I'm not stupid mads I'm just annoyed he tried it with you
M - I'm so sorry..and you know that I love you and only you..
Jack - and I love you..
M - where are you..
jack - I'm in the boys room you can come if you want
M - okay I'm coming now *hangs up*

*after a couple of minutes there's a knock at the door*
M - hey boys
Phil - oh hey mads what's up
Declan - ahhhh hey madison beer
Jack - rice bro you're such a fan girl
Mason - guys I'm a bit scared , I just saw a video on tik tok where jack fell down and his but jiggled
M - oi mase send it to me
Ben - and me
Mason - I'll send it to all of you
Jack - I just saw a video of madison In like 5 different bikinis
Phil - send it to all of us
Jack - bro what the fuck *laughs

Does Declan rice like rice
Money mase
So did you guys see the
Video ? 😂

Madison 🦋
Ye it's funny asf ✋

Pengest teacher in the school
I have bunda

                                                   Rice cakes 🍚
                                                   Mine is bigger
Bro stfu


slab head
alright chill


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