𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 14 🦋

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Madisons POV
Me and Jack just finished the photo shoot and it honestly went really well , the manager said that maybe in the future we might have more shoots to do . After we were done we went to this really cute cafe and obviously we both decided to post on Instagram , it was weird because doesn't normally post me and him on his socials

@madisonbeer - my forever ♾ @jackgrealish Liked by - @masonmount , @jackgrealish , @benchillwell And 369,593 others Comments @jackgrealish - my forever ♾ ^ @madisonbeer - 💖🦋@masonmount - you guys are cute asf @benchillwell - wow 😳 @kieragrealis...

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@madisonbeer - my forever ♾ @jackgrealish
Liked by - @masonmount , @jackgrealish , @benchillwell
And 369,593 others
@jackgrealish - my forever
^ @madisonbeer - 💖🦋
@masonmount - you guys are cute asf
@benchillwell - wow 😳
@kieragrealish - ahhhh 😍😍
{ 129,583 other comments }

@jackgrealish - she's to special @madisonbeer ♾Liked by @masonmount , @tyronemings , @philfoden and 789,583 others Comments @masonmount - bro you guys are cute @tyronemings - wow have fun @philfoden - good for you bro honestly @sasharebecca - I ca...

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@jackgrealish - she's to special @madisonbeer ♾
Liked by @masonmount , @tyronemings , @philfoden and 789,583 others
@masonmount - bro you guys are cute
@tyronemings - wow have fun
@philfoden - good for you bro honestly
@sasharebecca - I can tell you miss me
^ @jackgrealish - No 🤨
^ @madisonbeer - he is mine 💖
@user4924 - he is definitely happy with her
@jackgrealishfan492 - they're cute tbh
@benchillwell - my brother 😌
@keiragrealish - ahhhhhh 😍😍😍
^ @jackgrealish - calm down 👍

Jacks POV
Right now im really happy , I have the girl I've always wanted , the hate that she's getting is calming down which is really good because she honestly doesn't deserve it .
We just finished eating at the cafe and it's currently 5:00 so we thought it would be good to go and see my parents . My parents have literally seen me and mads grow up together so they adore her , they some how always knew me and Madison were gonna be together . Me and Madison dated when we were 14 and then I fucked up and cheated on her when I was 16 with Sasha , i told her like a week after I did it and trust me she was broken she disappeared for about 7 months and from what her mum has told me her mental health was horrible , her mum always knew that I didn't cheat on her purposely so in those 7 months I always asked her mum how she was doing and trust me I never liked the response I was getting from her , it was always "she hasn't talked to for a week" or once it was "she hasn't eaten for 3 days" I was obviously always concerned but when I told her I cheated she said to me that she will never forgive me , but we were bestfriends and lovers at the same so it was hard for me to never talk to her again , some how after those 7 months I managed to get her to give me a second chance so I broke up with Sasha and got back with her , after 2 years we were good and me Tyrone and her moved in together , then I got a call , I got accepted to be on the England's football team which I have wanted for ages but it also meant that I had to leave Birmingham and mads for one year to do lots of training , interviews , photo shoots , contracts , Schedules and all other sorts of things . This was a once in a life time opportunity so me and mads did try to do long distance but after a month I couldn't help it anymore , it was hard just not seeing her and feeling her touch made me crazy so I ended things between us . Worst thing I could have done . When I came back after a year Madison seemed to have moved on , it was crazy how she did it easily , and funny enough it was a footballer . Jadon sancho . When I found out I was shocked , I didn't speak to the dude much but I roughly knew who he was , I can't blame her honestly I was going crazy without her to I hooked up with different girls every week , I couldn't cope without her with me . Madison was never the sex type person the first time she had sex was at 18 and I was 19 we both lost it to eachother which I couldn't be more grateful , I know it sounds stupid but the first person I told was mum , she always knew I was gonna lose it to her and she was right I did . After the first time we did it, we started having sex regularly , this is gonna sound stupid but me and her always liked passionate sex we were never into rough kinda sex , it never really appealed to me . Once we arrived at my parents house they all gave mads a big hug then they all hugged me to , they honestly loved the girl , I mean they have known her since she was like 2 she was kinda like a second daughter to them . Then my mum started the conversation (Amy) (dad - Kevin)
Amy - I'm so glad to see you guys Together
M - ye I'm honestly really happy to
Keira - you two are so cute I swear especially on your Instagram pictures
J - *laughs* well expect a lot of them *I wink at Madison*
Kevin - when's your next game lad
J - I think Wednesday so 2 days
Kevin - we haven't seen you play in a while so if we can find any good tickets we will be there to watch you
J - that's great , I'll try to get the coach to find you guys good tickets , Southgate will honestly even put you guys in VIP
Amy - That's nice honey

I check the time and it's pretty late so me and mads said our good byes to my parents and then got in my car and drove back home , annoyingly on our way there we found traffic which delayed us a bit
M - you know I love you grealish
J - and I love you mads
M - have you ever thought of starting a family
As soon as those words came out her mouth I was shocked I mean mads wasn't the type of person to normally point those stuff out
J - I mean I haven't really thought about it that much but If we do have children it would be with you
M - I wouldn't want it with anyone other than you
J - good

Madisons POV
as soon as we got home jack held my hand a took me up to our room .
The spark in his eyes could tell that right here right now all he wanted was to feel me .

Jacks POV
I needed her . In that moment all I wanted was her , the last time me and her did anything like this was when I was 19 and she was 18 .

𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐣𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐠𝐨𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐬𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞...
Jack finally got to prove to the love of his life that she was all he ever wanted .
This is the longest chapter . I'm very sorry for the previous chapter it was very rushed and honestly not the best but I tried my best on this one 🦋

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