𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 10 🦋

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Madisons POV
Jack got a text from the boys group chat and they all decided to go to there private pool near there training pitch and jack asked them if I can come and I say I could which I'm happy about because I didn't want to stay at home by myself . Jack and Tyrone put there swimming shorts on and put a shirt on top and they waited for me to finish . I went in my room and decided to wear a black bikini with with some waist jewellery and then I decided to post on my Instagram even tho I was getting hate jack gave me enough confidence to post Atleast one pic

 I went in my room and decided to wear a black bikini with with some waist jewellery and then I decided to post on my Instagram even tho I was getting hate jack gave me enough confidence to post Atleast one pic

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@madisonbeer - he is my one and only 🌊. Liked by - @jackgrealish , @tyronemings , @philfoden and 345,749 others
@jackgrealish - that's a lot to look at 😍😍
@masonmount - oh wow
@philfoden - the things I should do to you 😍
@sasharebecca - LOOSE WEIGHT FAT SLUT
@user59384 - Sasha is stating facts
@petisnfietgis - wow wow wow wow 😍😍😍
{ 198,593 other comments }

I walked downstairs and I was nervous on jacks reaction to what I was wearing and my body but I hoped for the best I went down and walked to him

M - what do you think
Jack - wow
Ty - you're looking nice but cover up
Jack - your body is perfect

*skip to when they are all at the pool and jack ty and Madison walks in*

Jack - sup my brothas
Mason - ayyy grealish
Stones - we all missed you and wow *he looks at me*
M - hey guys *says quitely*
Saka - you're looking peng
Ben - the things I would do to that body
Jack - already lads shut up she's my girl
Phil - why is she so fat you should try to lose some weight
Jack - shut your fucking mouth foden !!
Phil - I'm not lying she's a fucking whore look at her thighs they're are so disgusting and don't get me started on her stomach she's such a pig all she does is eat and eat like can't you go on a diet
Jack - that's it ! *goes up to foden and starts punching him*

Madison POV
While they were fighting I put a towel over my body and walked off to some place I think it was a lounge for the players but I don't know . I honestly was just feeling so insecure and no matter what anyone says I just think I'm fat , Maybe foden was right , he is right

Jacks POV
I turned around and I couldn't see her anywhere where could she have gone I felt so guilty I knew that something would happen especially with her wearing those very revealing clothes someone was gonna have to say something I felt so bad that she had all those things said to her especially infront of all the boys

Jack - fuck where did she go
Declan - I think she went to the lounge she seemed upset
Jack - no shit !
I ran to the lounge and the first thing I saw was the hurt innocent girl just sitting there she was hurt and you could see it .
Jack - baby I am so sorry
M - I should have never wore this , it makes me look bigger than I already am
Jack - no you're not you're perfect

All of a sudden jack got a phone call..a very unexpected one
How do you guys like the story so far
And who and what do you think the phone call is about . It could be anyone 🤨

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