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I'll be all in

And that was it. The show was done. Thalia smiles at EJ and he smiles back. They walk off the stage and Thalia says that she's gonna go say 'hi' to her mom real quick.

He walks into the bomb shelter to see Carlos, Seb, and Alaina glaring.

"Okay, you have to tell her now!" Alaina shouts.

"Tell who what?" Ricky asks, furrowing his eyebrows.

Alaina looks at EJ who just looks at the floor in defeat.

"EJ cheated on Thalia," Alaina seethes as she glared at EJ like he's the scum of the earth, which, to her, he was.

Ricky's eyes widen and he looks at EJ in disbelief.

The whole room goes quiet. Nini's eyes are the widest. She looks to Ashlynn who has a guilty expression on her face.

"You knew?" She whispers.

"With who?" Ricky asks the question that most people in the room were wondering.

"With Gina," Alaina states with no emotion other than pure hatred for the two.

Everyone gasps and looks at the girl in the corner, who hasn't said a word.

And then Thalia walks into the room, she sees everyone look up at her like dears in headlights.

"What's wrong..." she trails. "Is my mascara running?" She feels on her cheeks, but no product comes off.

Ricky then shouts it out, "EJ cheated on you. With Gina."

"W-What?" Thalia asks. Her whole expression diminishing into a look of pure and utter surprise. Then she starts to chuckle. "Okay, guys. I get it. End of show prank. Ha, ha."

But, when she sees that no one else is laughing, she stops. She looks at EJ who looks guilty, sad, and defeated.

"EJ?" She asks, her nose and eyes start to sting as tears brim up in them.

She runs out of the bomb shelter. Tears falling down.

"I guess now was a bad time..." a voice in the corner trails. Everyone turns to see Mason at the other door, holding flowers.

"I'm sorry, who are you?" EJ snaps.

"No one," he replies. He walks through the group of kids and in the direction Thalia left. But then he turns around and looks at EJ.

"Just so you know, you made the biggest mistake of your life," Mason tells him and then walks away.



I run down the hall, tears falling down. I stop, trying to breathe, but I can't.

I cant breathe.

I rest my back on the lockers and then slide down. I wrap my arms around my legs and cry into my knees. I still struggle to breathe as the world around me feels like it's collapsing. I start feeling dizzy and then I feel a body slide next to me. I tense up.

Please don't be EJ.

My difficulty breathing persists and gets worse. I start to hyperventilate.

"Hey," the voice whispers. It's a boy. And it's not EJ. I feel a bit of stress going away when I realize it's not him. "You'll be okay, Thalia."

I look up and see Mason.

"I, um, I heard what happened," He trails. "And EJ is the dumbest guy there is for not realizing that he had probably the most beautiful and talented girl that I've ever met."

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