my life was cool

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Chapter 1

i woke up in the morning pulled my covers off of me and let the light shine across my room. I just layed in bed for a few more minutes and got up, i was going to get dressed when my phone rang.

"Hello" "Hi, are deciding to come to school today?" my bestfriend Ellie always checks that i'm alright in the morning, shes more like a sister really. 

"Yeah, I've just got up I'll pick you up in my new car" "OK" she hung up.

I was rich, and i mean rich rich i had the biggest house in the whole city and i had all the thing i wanted when i want. My dad is a business man and i think my mum just married him because of his money.

I got dressed in designer jeans a log sleeved Ralph Lauren top and Adidas trainers. I walked into the kitchen to find my mum actually making breakfast, i was shocked. 

"Why are you making breakfast?" I said with a smirk. "Well, our maid is ill today, i didn't want to bother her." 

"Why don't you just call a different maid then?" "Rachael you might not be rich forever and you've got to learn some skills. we're going to have a week without a maid to see how we get on, it will be good practice for you" i looked at her she looked serious i just laughed, she looked at me i stopped.

I grabbed a piece of toast and ran out the door i was already late, i rushed to my new silver Aston Martin db9. i rushed over to Ellie's house. She was already outside she looked pretty pissed off, "Oh my god, I've said i was sorry like a million times before to you but i actually mean it this time." i really did mean it and she could see it. " Oh, i forgive you if you hurry up we might be able to make it in time for tutor well the last bit of it." Ellie never liked to be late, she always fought if we were late we'd get a detention, well sometimes it depends on how late we are.

we made it before the first bell went so i wasn't so worried. Me and Ellie walked up to all our other friends, they were all stood around the front of school. "Hi" Jackie seemed really happy, Jackie was the really happy one, so was Ellie, I was the smart and funny one well that's what my friends say i am, there was Charlotte she fought she was a bad ass but we knew she wasn't.

i walked up to class with everyone me, Ellie and Jackie walked up to maths that's where our tutor rooms are i went into the first maths room but Ellie and Jackie had to walk to the tenth room i walked in and sat down next to Dannie and Leon. Dannie was a small girl with short blond hair she always looked depressed. She only talked to me, Leon and Sarah, i was friends with Sarah to her face but behind her back i hated her, yeah I'm a two-faced bitch so what.

Sarah was an average sized skinny girl who had a new boyfriend every two minutes (not literally) if she dumped one of them she would get over it in like, one hour when it should take about a month. Leon was a tall boy who had shoulder length brown hair, we all thought he was gay, he probably was he just didn't know it yet.

When the bell went we walked to geography. "Leon, do you like Geography?" i said with a smirk i knew what the answered would be. "NO!" he smiled at me and i started laughing, at least we had something to talk about.

When we got to our lesson i saw Nick, Nick was my boyfriend of about 4 months he doesn't show it though. "Hi" i said he turned his head to make it look like he didn't hear me. I punched him in the back and to my surprise he turned around and hugged me. Mr smith walked in to the class room and stared at us to signal to walk in when we were in the lesson Nick kept staring at me i had to turn away i was turning bright red.

After Geography we had Spanish i grabbed Leon and we ran to class. I like Spanish because we never do anything and when we do me and Leon always finish first so we just talk when the teacher comes round to check our work we start to speak in Spanish so we impress her and then she leaves us alone.

When the bell rang everyone rushed outside i heard a voice behind me "Rachael" i turned around to find Nick stood there before i could say hi he began to kiss me his hands were around my waist and my hands went up around his neck and in his hair. After about a minute he stopped and walked away, i just stood there shocked

"WHAT THE HELL!"i screamed at the top of my lungs, i didn't care that people were looking let them look! "What?" he looked at me confused i don't know why. "Why did you just kiss me then walk away?" he walked up to me he kept turning his head looking at all the people eavesdropping he looked embarrassed i didn't care. "well i was just going to play football with some friends on the front field" i hugged him then walked off.

I was stood staring at the wall leon walked up tome he stood there a minute "I'm very sorry to interupt this interesting conversation but, what up?" " i don't think Nick likes me anymore" is tarted to cry Leon gave me a hug then Ellie and Jackie came over they asked the same question that Leon asked but i couldn't answer i was crying too much.

Sarah came running over she looked like she was going to fall on the floor laughing "Um...Nicks dumped you" she ran back to Dannie laughing i felt like i was going to die inside

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