Chapter 12

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Chapter 12


Waking up that morning my head was still spinning. I didn’t know what to do. I kept coming up with different scenarios. I needed someone to help me.

Jackie would be no good because she’d just moan about her own life. Charlotte would get too easily distracted by anything, and Ellie is probably the safest one to go to for advice but she can’t keep a secret. I have no one.

I quickly got ready, putting on a white t-shirt, red skinny jean, black converse and a black jacket and rushed downstairs when I saw the time. Ten minutes to get to school, looks like I’m going to be late again.

When I got to school I had to go to my locker, at which point the warning bell rang to go to form rooms. I got my books and walked down the hallway. A group of boys were stood laughing at the end of the lockers one of them was Max.

“I can’t believe you’re actually pulling this off.” One of the boys said to Max.

“Its way too easy, you should have given me a worse girl. Rachael will definitely be prom queen if I’m her date.” I dropped my books and they all turned to look at me. I didn’t care. So that’s the only reason he was dating me, because of a stupid dare, and I was stupid enough to think that it was real. All of a sudden Nick didn’t seem like the worse boy out there.

“Rachael! Oh my God, I’m so sorry!” He tried apologising to me but it wasn’t going to work, I’ve heard it all before. I wasn’t even going to give him the satisfaction of crying. I shrugged my shoulders, picked up my books and walked away.

He ran after me. “I didn’t realise you were stood there.”

“And it would have made it OK if you’d have said it when I wasn’t there? I really had my hopes up that I would fall for an idiot a second, Cupids proved my wrong again.”

 I walked in to my form room and sat down by myself on the back table behind Leon.

“You OK sweetheart?” he smiled at me. Not matter what mood I was in he always cheered me up. That’s why I can’t date him, it too much to put on the line. Our friendship means more to me than anything and if that were to go I don’t know what I’d do.

“I will be, just stupid little boys playing games.” I felt a tear trying to escape, but I was determined not to let it fall because if it did many would follow it and I wasn’t going to let it affect me.

Walking to first period I saw Max, he tried catching up to me but I ran away. I hid in the cleaner’s closet and sat down with my head in hands. I was trying so hard not to cry, but I just couldn’t help it. How could I do this again?

I really wasn’t up for geography this morning so I texted Leon to tell Mr Smith I was sick, he’d probably buy it.

I walked slowly back to my car in the parking lot and sat down in the driver’s seat with my head banged against the steering wheel.

“Why are you so down in the dumps?” I heard a deep voice next to me. Just what I didn’t need right now, Nick. I just couldn’t think of any good comebacks at this point so I leant back in my seat and looked at the ceiling.

“Why aren’t you in lesson?” I asked him.

“I could say the same for you.” He laughed a bit. “I think I know why you’re upset.” I looked at him. “I warned you.” Was all he said, it didn’t make any sense.

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