Chapter 1: Prologue

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Amelia's POV

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Amelia's POV

"come on! you are late" I heard Yoongi grumble as he knocked on my door

"I am coming you deep shit! 1 minute" I shouted back and heard him cuss at me for being so slow

Today is the day on which my producer is gonna release my music. finally. 

it has always been my dream to be a singer, and today is the day to achieve that. 

"your 1 minute is up motherfucker" I laughed as I heard Yoongi yell. I stood up from my make-up table and took a final look at myself.

"Today is your day, Amy. don't screw it" I smiled at myself then got out of my room 

"FINALLY" Yoongi stood up from the couch and groaned

"you know I don't like to wait for your slow ass" 

"and that's why I like to keep you waiting for my slow ass' " I winked at him and smiled

"Why are we even best friends?" 

"oh, shut up. you took a fine look at my ass and you decided to befriend me" 

"fair point, now come on let's go because we are gonna be late for your show!" He said as he dragged me out of the apartment and made our way to his car.

Yoongi is the one that was there when I was at my worst and when I moved here to Daegu. he has been with me every time I needed him. even if he was in the middle of sex with his girlfriend. he always comes and comforts me. we started to be friends when we met in high school, in a music club. he plays the piano and I sing. he was the total charming boy in High school and we were always together since we were partners in the upcoming music fair. one day there are girls who suddenly came and bullied me just because I was close to yoongi. typical High school moments. they tried to scare me to keep my distance from him but I was the one who scared them off. I was kind of a boyish girl in High School. but in all honesty, I can't even remember why me and Yoongi became friends.

"we're here" I heard Yoongi say that made me broke off of my train of thoughts. I looked to my right and saw the concert venue

we entered the place and I immediately heard my song being played and someone singing it. I know Yoongi noticed it too because he helped me write that song

we ran across the hallway and to the actual concert hall. and to my assumptions, someone is singing my song

"what the actual fuck?" Yoongi cursed as he looks on the stage. balling his fist as if he is ready to fight any minute now

I need you boy
why do you love me and leave me all by myself
I need you boy

why do I need you when I know it hurts me

the song echoed through my mind. it isn't just right, the way she sings it, she isn't conveying the song in the right way. she made it sound more pop. it was supposed to be a ballad song. 

"I need to stop this" I scanned through the whole place and immediately found the music producer near the stage. I ran in his way, bumping into a few people in the process.

"What is the meaning of this!?" I said as I came up to him and grabbed his collar

"what do you mean?" he acted like an innocent little asshole

"you know what I mean. this was supposed to be the start of my dream! this was my only chance and now you decided to steal my work" I pointed at his face as he chuckles nervously. I looked at my surroundings and my eyes fall on the mic just above the players. and I came up with a stupid idea

"you know what? I am going to ruin you" I grabbed a mic and went on stage. pushing off the girl to the side, earning some loud gasp from the crowd. then I heard the whole music stop but the mic is still on so I took a deep breath and looked at the girl

"This is how you do it" I whispered at her and turned the mic on

Boy, just tell me If you want to break up
Boy, just tell me if it wasn't love, oh
I have no courage to say that
give me my last gift
so I can't ever go back to you, oh-oh

I need you, boy 

I looked in the crowd and smiled.

"everybody, this girl and that shitty producer, stole my work, stole this song and fucking stole my dream. this was supposed to be the start of my journey but they blocked the path. fucking assholes" I chuckled and looked at the producer in which the crowds started to boo him. I dropped the mic and jumped off of the stage. when I was just about to go to Yoongi, security guards came up to me and dragged me out of the venue

"ouch! fucking dickheads" I groaned as they threw me on the floor. 

"watch your mouth little girl" they looked down on me and started to walk back into the place. I was about to go after them but Yoongi came to me and stopped me from doing so

"YOU FUCKING ASSHOLES! WHO ARE YOU TO CALL ME A LITTLE GIRL!? I AM A GROWN WOMAN WHO IS ABOUT TO KICK YOUR ASSES, YOU HEAR ME!?" I tried to broke off of yoongi's grip but no use. this fucker is stronger than me

"calm down" he too, dragged me to his car. why do people keep on dragging me all over the place today?

"what you did is crazy and beautiful at the same time," he said as he started the car and drove off of the place

I sniffled and looked to my window

"Hey, hey, why are you crying? let's talk when we get home" I nodded and wiped my tears


after a few minutes, we arrived in the parking lot near our apartment. we got out of the car and went straight to our apartment

"okay, so what's the matter?" Yoongi softly say after he closed the door

"that was my only chance" I whispered and sat on the sofa

"That was my only chance in achieving my dream. my only chance to start on my actual journey. my only chance of forgetting him" I hugged my knees as countless tears escape my eye, falling down my cheeks. 

"hun, shush" Yoongi sat beside me and hugged me, patting my head gently and cradled me as I cry 

"I can't forget him, what he did, and what we were" I whispered and looked at the ring on my finger

"I just can't" 

"Shhh, I'm here" he whispered as he hugged me while rubbing my back


I hope you all like the first chapter even though it is a bit crappy:DD


don't forget to vote and comment on what you think about the chapter <33

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