Chapter 6: Starry Night

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Amelia's POV

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Amelia's POV

I wrapped my shawl around my shoulders enveloping myself from the cold breeze as I walk on the beach while letting the water touch my feet. I've been out of it ever since the show earlier and because of that I couldn't focus or think straight at the moment. 

I sighed and lowered my head, watching my feet as it gets wet because of the water when suddenly I bumped into someone so I looked up only to see Jungkook

"oh, I'm sorry I wasn't looking on-" he was about to apologize when I shook my head

"no, I'm sorry. I have a lot in my mind to the point that I wasn't being aware of surroundings" I smiled and bowed to him then continued to walk

"may I join you for the  rest of the night?" I heard Jungkook say making me turn to him

"hmm, yeah sure" he smiled and ran to where I was and stood beside me as we start to walk along the shore

"so, what was on your mind?" 

I don't know if it's just my defense mechanism failing me or if it's just my intuition telling me that I should trust him and tell him my problems. there is something in this man that is drawing me in and convincing me to be open to him but the fact that we just met a few days ago is enough reason to not rush anything

"nothing much, just this and that." I smiled and kept my head low as we walk. he would constantly ask me about myself and I would reply shortly. we eventually found rock forms that we could sit on and enjoy the cold sea breeze

"have you ever been in a relationship before?" I looked at him and bit my lip

"yeah, it was a bit bitter. my last relationship" 

"I'm sorry"

"why are you apologizing? you weren't at fault" I chuckled and kept my gaze on the sea

"just because." he sighed and sat there

"we just met days ago but you're here accompanying me at night" I chuckled and looked at him

"I have nothing else to do and I have no one here to be with me" he smiled

"I'm here though" his smile faded and looked at me. there is something in his look. he looks sad, confused, happy and afraid. so many mixed emotions that are visible in his eyes only. he's an open book and I could read him just by looking in his eyes

"ah, I just remembered, my friend will be married next Sunday and the reception will be held here and I was wondering if you would like to join me - as my date" he rubbed his nape and looked down on his feet

"well, if it's a wedding reception, I would be there since it's my job to sing at events like wedding's or simple birthday parties" I smiled

"if that's the case, I will expect to see you there" he stood up and offered me his hand to help me

"thanks" I let go of his hand and started to walk ahead of him. 

he walked with me until we reached to where I was staying. he insisted to come with me because it's a bit dangerous at night so I gladly accepted

"well, this is such a small hotel so I'm pretty sure we'll keep bumping into each other" he smiled and signaled me to come in. I nod and opened my door then closed it once I entered the room. I peeked at the peeping hole only to see him smile and then leave afterwards. 

I bit my lip and sat just by the door and held both of cheeks. 

"you're already twenty-five Amelia, stop acting like a teenager and calm your heart down" I said to myself while smiling

I snapped out of it and just plopped on my bed to sleep


when I woke up the next morning, I did my routine and called Yoongi, telling him about Jungkook and how he treated me. he looks like he doesn't believe me, he's an idiot

"well, if he's making your heart flutter more than Namjoon then I'm happy for you Lia" I smiled and nod

"well, we only met like a few days ago so I can't just have feelings for him right away. that would be really fast and I don't want to rush things. I just want to focus on saving up money and do what I do best" he nodded and smiled.

if Yoongi would be here, he'd already patted my head. he always treats me like his younger sister, he's the only one allowed to call me 'Lia' since he said that calling me 'Amy' would be like he's just my friend and he didn't like that. he wanted to treat me like his sister since he wanted one when he's still a kid but his parents died and he was eventually sent to Daegu to live with his grandparents

"I'll hang up first, I have to finish this recording soon. I'll call you when I have time, have fun there!" before I could say goodbye, he hung up on the call.

"still impatient as ever Min Yoongi" I grinned and placed my phone down and cooked my breakfast. after I ate, I went to get ready to meet with our client for a wedding reception that will be held next week. 

"next week?" now that I think about it, it's the date Jungkook mentioned. his friend is getting married. why do I find myself looking forward to that date? is it because it's my first time being asked out after a year of crying over my cancelled marriage? well, whatever it is, I'm scared


as soon as the elevator doors open, I went to the lobby of the second building to meet up with the client. I was asked to meet them since I would be the one singing their chosen song to dance to at their reception.

"I'm here for a meeting with the client for the event next week under Mr. Kim's name" 

"ah, they're already waiting for you just by the pool at the back of the hotel." I nodded and walked on the way there. I took a look at my phone and suddenly I bumped into someone

"Oh I'm sorry- Jungkook?" I looked at the man before me and soon my gaze fell on the man beside him




dun dun dun!

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