Chapter 4: Hello Seoul

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Amelia's POV

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Amelia's POV

Hours have passed and now I arrived in Seoul. I got out of the train and walked out the station where I'm supposed to meet Hoeseok? Hoseok? I forgot who it was but it's close anyway

I gripped my luggage and stood by the waiting shed where a car parked in front of me. the windows automatically went down and I was met by a man with a bright smile on his face.

"Are you perhaps Amelia?" The man said and I quickly nodded my head

"Great! wait a second" He unbuckled his seatbelt and got off of his car and immediately helped me with my belongings. he placed them inside his trunk and opened the passenger seat for me and I quickly got in. he closed it then walked around to enter the driver's seat. once the engines starts he drove away from the station

"So, are you new to Seoul?"

"uh, No. this is actually my second time here." I smiled as I looked out the window admiring the buildings as we drove past them

"You're from Daegu right?" 

"Yes, How about you?"

"Oh, I'm from Gwang-ju" I looked at him as he flashed a smile at me then continued to look on the road

"How come you're here at Seoul?"

"Oh, I stayed for my Girlfriend. I plan on moving in with her soon" I bit my lip and sulked on my seat

"why? what's wrong?" it seemed he noticed as he slowed down on driving and looked at me with worry in his eyes

"oh, uhm nothing. I just- my engagement got cancelled just a year ago. but it's no big deal though." I put up a smile and fixed my hair for a moment

"I realized that I haven't formally Introduced myself. I am Jung Hoseok. Nice to meet you"

"Yeah, I'm Amelia but you an call me Amy because it's too hard to pronounce sometimes."

"you can take a rest if you want. we are still 30mins away from the Hotel" I nodded my head at his suggestion and began to relax on the seat then slowly drifted to sleep


when we arrived, I felt Hoseok poked my shoulder as he gently wakes me up. I'm not a heavy sleeper so I woke up immediately and fixed myself before going out of the car. when I got out, I was met with a fresh breeze of the sea as I looked at the Hotel right in front of me. A few people entering the Lobby

as I was amazed by the sight. I felt Hoseok standing right beside me so I averted my gaze to his and quickly helped him with my luggage

"It's okay, It's okay. I already called the Hotelier that would be taking your things to where you're staying." 

"oh really? that's great!" I clapped my hands and walked inside the hote after Hoseok handed my things to the Hotelier he was referring to

The Hotelier lead the way and as we walked, He would say a lot of details about the things that we passed by like their absolutely calm pool or their Bar next to the beach. It is really wonderful here

"Oh and one last thing, you will meet the event organizer of the Hotel. She will be the handler of your band and will be checking a few things after you've settled in" He said after he dropped my bags in the living room. He then waved goodbye as I close my door

"Well! I have the whole afternoon to unpack but I prefer to take a lovely stroll and a swim as well" I said to myself and begun to search for my swimsuit


As I laid under the Palm tree I heard someone scream-

"help!! I can't swim!!" Oh fuck- my body involuntarily moved on its own and I found myself swimming towards the man who claimed to be drowning

"Sir! Calm down!" I said as I grabbed his arms and started to pull him to the shore

"NO! My GoPro!!!" He started to release himself from my grip then placed his hands on my shoulder for support but I have no balance since it's the water so I was being pushed down the water

Everything happened so fast until I felt my body being carried as well as the 'GoPro Man'. After we made it to the shore, the man who carried me placed me on the cool sand

"thanks for saving my GoPro man" was the last thing I heard until I doze off because of tiredness


Sorry for the cringy and short chapter it took me a few months to update again, school has been hectic and I'm not motivated enough to publish another chapter. I can't promise to immediately update the next chapter but I will surely try my best!

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