Chapter 7: The Client

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Amelia's POV

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Amelia's POV

"Amelia?" Jackson looked at me as if he has seen a ghost. 

"Are you here for a vacation? it's not even summer yet" he gulped at my question. he is nervous and I don't know why. why is he so nervous? is there something that I'm not supposed to know?

"you two know each  other?" suddenly, Jungkook asked as he steps in between of us. I nod my head and looked at Jackson again and back to Jungkook

"wait, how did you know Jackson?"

"oh, he's the friend of my friends' Fian-" I knit my eyebrows together when Jackson stopped Jungkook from his last words. 

"well uhm, we really have to go Amy. It's nice to meet you again thou-" Jackson was cut off by someone calling his name, it seems like it's coming from behind me so I looked back and saw a man with really broad shoulders and my eyes widen as soon as I can clearly see who was behind him

"No way" I muttered under my breath and attempted to walk away when I bumped into Jungkook's hard chest causing me to lose my balance. luckily, Jungkook caught me and helped me stand up on my feet. 

I flinched when I heard his voice as he asked Jackson something but I was too lost in my thoughts to the point that I couldn't make out what they were saying. it became too hard for me to breathe. I'm suffocating and I balled my hands to try and control my thoughts and heart but I couldn't. my heart was pounding, I'm lost in thoughts, all I hear was my own breathe and some sort of loud ringing in my ear

"Amelia? Amelia? can you hear me?" I looked up and saw Jungkook looking at me with worry in his eye, he held my both of my shoulders gently while calling my name. I felt calm in his touch, his voice and the way his eyes take me in depths of his thoughts.

I felt my heart calm down and my breathing became slow and normal, I can hear Jungkook calling my name and my mind only thought of how he calmed me down only by  calling my name sweetly

"Amelia?" I once again froze as I heard him mention my name. Jungkook then looked at him and then back to me

I sighed and tried my best to calm down before turning to face him. I gulped and slowly look at his eyes full of fear, curiosity and regret. with my shaky hands, i managed to wave a 'hello' before speaking

"Hi, Namjoon." I forced to smile as I slowly look up to him just to see his shocked expression while looking at and back to the man beside him

"What are you doing here?" he said while he managed to not stutter in front of me

"me? I work here" I nervously let out a chuckle as I look at the man beside him

"who's this? your new friend?" I smiled while I point at him but Namjoon just chuckled


"I'm his Fiance" I nearly choked on my saliva as my eyes widen from what I heard

"you two are-" I inhaled a sharp breath and looked at Namjoon. suddenly, Jackson went in between us 

"Okay! Jin, these two are bestfriends but Joon had to go away for a year and now they reunited! Let's leave the two alone to have some talk. Jungkook, come" Jackson forced the two to come with him, leaving me and Namjoon alone in the lobby. then, he signaled me to follow him in the nearby Cafe and ordered 

after I got our drink, I found Joon sitting on the table just near the window. his gaze never leaving the view just outside the cafe. I cleared my throat and sat across him. I placed our drinks on the table as he looked at me

"I'm not here to ask you what's going on because it's really obvious." I bit my lip and fiddled with my fingers

"I met him 2 months after I moved in Seoul-" 

"like I said, No need to explain. I don't need it" He pursed his lips and leaned back on his seat

"look, I'm here because Yoongi offered me this job." I said after I took a sip of my Frappuccino. he nodded and rested his chin on his finger. it's always been a habit of him. he always does that when he's either thinking or nervous but I guess right now he is both nervous and is thinking of a better thing to say

"I apologize for calling off our engagement like that. I just thought that I would only be a burden in your life and that I would only be in your way while you achieved your dream" he looked down as my tense body softens

"It's done. we're broken and now you found someone new. someone who can make you smile and spend the rest of your life with."

"please don't tell Jin any of this. our relationship, our past, anything." I uttered a smile and nod

"don't worry about that. I have to go since I'm supposed to meet you and your Fiance for your wedding ceremony"

I stood up and grabbed my things after taking a final sip of my coffee. he followed me out of the cafe then to where were supposed to meet. 

"wait" I stopped walking when he grabbed my wrist and suddenly made me turn to look at him

"what?" I coldly replied but he just sighed and let go of my wrist.

"Nothing" he smiled and gestured me to continue walking with him following me.

I saw Jackson and Jungkook beside the man named Jin. they were casually talking to each other and as soon as they spot me and Namjoon, they greeted us, Jungkook stood up and asked me if I was okay and I nodded. never minding Namjoon's stare at the both of us before going to Jin

I'm pretty sure he has something to say but what is it?


It took me 2 days to finish this chapter HAHAHA. I have nothing else to say but thank you for supporting my book and thank you for the votes and waiting patiently for every chapter I release.

Don't forget to vote!

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