Chapter 10: Sweet Wound

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Amelia's POV

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Amelia's POV

after the performance, the hotel manager allowed us to have fun for the night since we all did well these past few weeks.

the others headed back to their rooms to change but I chose to stay in the bar since I love my outfit today. I was wearing a black formal bodycon suit with a paneled cape sleeve dress. [Picture above]

I was casually drinking at one table when suddenly a man approached me

"hi, I really loved your performance earlier" I looked at the stranger in front me who just sat across me

"yeah, thanks" I coldly replied and looked away. I'm not in the mood for anything that involved flirting with any one

"I just complimented you and you're already acting so rude" The man scoffed making me glare at him

"I didn't know that a simple 'thank you' can be called as 'rude'" I remarked at the man and rolled my eyes. he placed his drink on the table and poked his cheek with his tongue. obviously annoyed at what I said

"look, if you're here to flirt with me, find another women who can entertain your needs" I picked up my things and stood up and attempted to walk away but he managed to take a hold of my wrist making me stop from my tracks

"let go of me" I calmly said as I gripped my bag tightly

"how high of you to assume that I was flirting with you" with that, his grip tightens making me more annoyed than I should be

"and how low of you to think that I'd entertain a bastard like you" I mustered all of my strength and free myself from his grip and started to walk away until he once again grabbed my wrist, spun me around and slapped me

"How dare yo-" I was ready to throw my bag at him when suddenly he was already on the floor with a man punching him like crazy. people started to avoid the situation and just watch while I try my best to find a perfect timing to get in between the two men

when I got a closer look on the one punching the guy, my eyes widen when I saw Jungkook's face and his eyes full of anger. that's when I threw my bag on the table and took my heels off then found a way to stop Jungkook from killing the man

"Jungkook! stop it!" I got on my knees behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist to make him stop and eventually he did. I held onto him until the moment he calmed down then I peeked on his shoulder to see the man unconscious.

"I'm calm now" Jungkook held my hand and released my arms from his waist then looks at me with his soft eyes

"What happened here?" I heard Hoseok behind me and I quickly explained the details and after that I dragged Jungkook out of the bar and led him to my hotel room to treat his wound

Once we got in my room, I placed my bag on the table after telling Jungkook to sit on the sofa while rummaging through my cabinets to find a first aid kit but I couldn't find any but some cottons and alcohol. I bit my lip and just grabbed them then walked to the living room where Jungkook was sitting

"No" Jungkook immediately protected his hand as he saw the alcohol that I'm carrying

"yes." I subtly say as I placed them on the table and sat beside Jungkook

"give me your hand and don't be such a big baby" I said while Jungkook shook his head, refusing to give me his hand

"I promise I won't hurt you." I gently grabbed his wrist and took a good look at his knuckles. it's a bit bruised but lots of blood was surrounding it, most probably the blood of the one he punched but anyways, I led him to my kitchen and made him stand up by the counter as I grabbed a dry cloth and soaked it on the tap water.

"you're really crazy, punching him as if you're gonna kill the guy" I said while cleaning the blood around his fist then soaking the cloth again and then same process

"I would've if you didn't stop me" he chuckled as I rolled my eyes at him while putting the cloth aside. I took him back in the living room again and sat on the sofa. I poured a little bit of alcohol on the cotton and grabbed his hand

"this is gonna sting a little bit"

"a little bi- Ah!" Jungkook winced the moment I dabbed the cotton on his wound

"I'm sorry" I dabbed it a little more gently as I feel his hand shake a little the whole time

"if you didn't get in the scene, I would've hit him with my bag and kick him in the balls" I said while finishing up covering his small wound and when I finished, I put all of the trash on the table and let go of Jungkook's hand

"I was watching the whole thing from afar. I was reassured that you could handle yourself but when he slapped you like that, I lost my reasoning and the next thing I knew, I was punching him to death and you were hugging me" he sighed and looked down as he caress his treated knuckles.

I look at him and took his hand

"thank you kook. for everything. I was a little bit shocked by the slap thing that it took me 5 seconds to process anything but one thing is for sure and it's the fact that I was ready to fight a bastard like him.' I laughed and and let go of his hand

"speaking of which, How's your cheek?" he held my cheek as he leaned in and examined my face to see if it left a bruise.

he was a few inches close to my face and from then on, I was again frozen.

"J-Jungkook" I cleared my throat and he then realized the position we're in and didn't even move a muscle. instead, he stared at my lips and leaned in closer and closer

"I'm about to do something I might not regret tomorrow. just say stop if you don't want it" he whispered as he gently placed his hand on my nape and began to close the gap between us while I sat still and slowly closed my eyes until there is no longer a gap between us as he placed his lips on top of mine


Oooh~ things are now getting good~

Short note:
I was planning to change my nickname to 'ParkMinFics_' but sadly, I can't because I forgot my password here in Wattpad but anyways, that will be my nickname from now on even if it's still 'parkjoannaminji' on my profile.

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