Chapter 8: An Awkward Meeting

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Third Person

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Third Person

Amelia, Jungkook, Namjoon and his Fiance Jin, sat together at the table as they wait for Hoseok. The boy had an emergency earlier in the morning and is now on his way back to the resort. 

Jungkook was beside Amelia and Namjoon and Jin sat across them. It was a painful and awkward moment. Amelia just wants to get out of there really bad meanwhile the two couples never minded the awful situation and just talks to each other.

"this is so awkward" Amelia sank to her seat as she mutters to her self. she can't help but sigh as she looks around in hopes to spot Hoseok but no avail. she once again sighs and crossed her arms as she looks at the two couple being lovely to each other. it makes her want to just rip out the scene in pieces

Jungkook however, is just scrolling through his phone. finding memes to share to his friends. he just sat there with the drink he ordered for himself while ignoring the two couples and Amelia. No, he's not ignoring her. he just didn't know how to start a conversation with her when the two couples are there with them. he feels confident when it's just the two of them and he will be much happier if ther would surely be no one to disturb them.

"Okay! I'm sure we ca start without Hoseok around. I really need to do something after this so I want this to be done as soon as possible and I'm sure the two of you has plans, right? Okay." Amelia grew impatient and utterly tired hearing the two couples talk to each other. apparently, the two agreed meanwhile Jungkook stares at Amelia for startling the shit out of him to the point that he almost choked on his drink.

"Okay, so to start, I have a few suggestions on your wedding songs" Amelia Bitterly smiled as she took her notebook out of her back and opened it to the page where she listed down a few songs that she thinks that would suit their wedding songs

"how about 'Happier than Ever' by Billie Eilish" Amelia paused for a moment as she find another song from her list

"or, How about 'Happier' by Olivia Rodrigo? Yeah, That's a good one" Amelia laughed and closed her notebook then looked at Namjoon with a sarcastic Smile plastered on her lips.

"I love those songs but-"

"Right?? come on pick one, Jin" Amelia turned to Jin hoping that he would agree but

"but, those are Break-up songs so obviously we can't go with them" Jin smacks his lips as he smiles at Amelia. not a sarcastic or bitter one but a considerate one. Amelia leaned back on her seat and bit her lip

"Do you have a song in mind then?" 

"I was thinking about 'Nothing Like us' by Justin Bieber" Jin Held Namjoon's Hand as he smiles sweetly towards his soon to be husband. then, suddenly Jin turned to Amelia when a thought just crossed his mind

"ooh, I know, how about '10,000 Hours' by Justin Bieber" Jin smiled and looked at both Amelia and Namjoon. meanwhile Amelia looks taken aback by the sudden suggestion. Namjoon, However, looks surprised just like Amelia.

"and may I ask why did you chose that song out of all the good one's out there?" 

"well, I still remember this vividly but as soon as Namjoon Moved into the Apartment next to mine, he would play this song on repeat and suddenly I found myself humming it whenever I'm working or cooking." Amelia bit her lip while listening to Jin's explaination and her gaze turns to Namjoon who seems to be regretting every bit of decision he made when he booked into this Resort.

"but I like the first one better." Namjoon protests and Jin seemed to be happy by his suggestion

"I'm glad you do." Jin chuckled and cupped Namjoon's cheek and kissed him on the lips. upon seeing he two couples, Amelia's smile fades and was exchanged with sorrow, pain and envy and yet she manages to brush off what she's feeling and bitterly smiled. 

Jungkook cleared his throat and looked at Amelia who was smiling while fixing her things. 'there is something in that smile and it's not a genuine one' he thought as he stares at Amelia.

"Okay, before ending this meeting, I would like to announce that the hotel manager with be handling your wedding reception and venue as well as the invitations, and everything in between. you would be meeting her the day after tomorrow after lunch at the building two reception hall. thank you for meeting with me today, that would be all" Amelia said as she stood up and bowed to her Client before leaving them.

"well, if that's done. I would like to go. see you couple's around" Jungkook quickly says before running to catch up with Amelia, once he did, he walked beside her. Amelia was too busy to notice since she was looking through her schedule on her notebook. 

"that's was a very quick and awkward meeting isn't it?" Amelia squealed making her throw her notebook in the air and hitting her in the head

"oops" Jungkook chuckled and quickly picked up her notebook then gave it to her. 

"What the fuck- where did you came from?" Amelia said as she stuffed her notebook inside her bag then looked at jungkook.

"uhh, from the hut?" Jungkook points to where they had a meeting earlier making Amelia roll her eyes and slighty smile at his playful character that she likes about him

"THERE!" jungkook yelled while pointing on Amelia's face. Amelia was confused and embarrassed because many people looked at them when Jungkook suddenly shouted. Jungkook on the other hand, didn't care and was smiling from ear to ear while he pointed at Amelia

"What is it this time???" Amelia asked after she brushed off Jungkook's hand in front of her.

"That's the smile"


"That's the smile I would love to see everyday" jungkook smiles as he continued to walk forward leaving Amelia frozen and dumbfounded at the same time. she was taken aback by his words and her heart can't stop pounding

"w-what do you mean? YAH" Finally, Amelia snapped out of it and chased Jungkook as he continues to walk with his long legs making it a bit difficult for Amelia even if she's running towards him

however, namjoon stood from afar with his hands balled into a fist.


ooooh- here comes the spicy part~

I consider this chapter a bit chaotic but boring at the same time but no worries, It would get better little by little. 

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