Chapter 8 - Captured

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TWs: implied stalking, past abuse mentions and trauma related to that, self-deprecation, injury and blood and assault, kidnapping, violence, allusions to drugging(but shows off as dissociation/sleepwalking)

You love those mornings when Alcina doesn't leave your shared bed early, when she spends the entire day with you and you two talk about everything and nothing, whatever the day brings you. It comes with peace, knowing that she cares.

Although, you've come to notice that after your blackout a few weeks back, these days of having Alcina all to yourself have been more frequent. You can sense the worry in her touch, when she peers over you and kisses your neck over and over again whenever you're about to leave her sight. You even recognize the mirroring in yourself, when you submit to that touch with the growing need to be safe, to have her scent on you.

Still, you don't complain. Despite the dread and fear lurking for you both, it doesn't overcome the fact that you enjoy every moment you get to spend in Alcina's embrace. And now, you're finally getting to the point where you can enjoy it to the fullest, without your family's words following you with each breath you take.

A knock on the door is quick to pull you from your cozy morning, cuddled against your Lady. Despite everything, you still find yourself getting nervous whenever you're in a locked room and you know somebody is on the other side. It's a memory that hasn't unravelled for you yet, one that is oddly specific, but it's proving to be the one that annoys you to no end.

You perk up in haste, stradling yourself on Alcina's waist. Her hands are quickly there to cup your face to remind you that nobody would enter the room without permission. Relaxing slightly at your Lady's reassurance, you rub your heated face against her hand, a soft sigh of relief escaping your lips as your pulse slows down.

Your mind is still half-asleep, still in the middle of the waves of praise and affection and sweet exhaustion, making you wish that whoever was behind that door wouldn't need Alcina's attention for too long.

You should know by now that nobody interrupts you two on your days together if it wasn't for something important.

"Who is it?" Alcina calls out, carefully moving you off of her as she reaches for her silk robe. You kiss her hand before she gets up, earning you a peck onto your forehead and a shared smile that reminds you of the sunsets you've spent, cradled against her, protected and adored.

"Vasile, my Ladies. I understand this might be a— bad timing, but Bela has informed me of something of importance. Should I come back later?"

"No, I'll come talk with you, Miss Vasile, just give me a short moment, if you could," Alcina says through the door, her eyes searching yours to make sure you'd be okay for the short while.

"I'll be fine," you hum, throwing yourself against the piles of pillows with a small pout on your lips as you continue your jest, "I'll just.. wither away into nothingness when you leave me for those long lived minutes... the disappearance of the forgotten maiden— oh what a tragedy."

Your Lady chuckles at your joke, the corner of her lips rising into a soft smirk as she tightens the robe's belt around her waist and walks to the door. Before leaving, she glances over her shoulder and eyes you shortly, her smile melting from the previous smirk into pure softness.

"I know you were merely joking, but if you were to disappear, I wouldn't stop until I'd bring you home to me, my celestity..."

The flush of red taking hold of you must be a sight to behold, because Alcina lingers a few more seconds before disappearing to the hallways. There you are, your mouth ajar, heart full, chest warm from the immense love you carry, about ready to dash after your Lady to accuse her of making you a mess first thing in the morning.

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