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#you won't read my book because I learn with you? because you know me ?because you are finding it hard to accept that i might be better than you in something ??? Stop and TAME your ego Hahah hahahha read my book stop holding back and BTW Please don't copy my story .Don't you dare copy my story . I'm nice but when you copy my story you will see thousand devils creep out of your screen sent by me THE AUTHOR. Don't be scared , let's all smile and be happy and just not copy people's stories yeah :) hahhahahaha#

*Denise POV*

Curse mother nature for making me move schools . Here I am standing inside my father's newly bought huge mansion. We had just moved to this city due to my father's new industry here and to make things worse I had to tag along and change schools. To top this disaster he had told me I had to learn to be more independent and move in alone. No obviously not in his mansion but in my own apartment. He had already rented it and told me that it was a surprise apartment so he didn't say exactly where it was located. Still in my defence I would say that he was just trying to get rid of me but come to think of it I didn't really mind moving in alone, I mean considering the fact that I could do what ever the hell I wanted. I came from an extremely rich family with both my parents owning their own businesses so I was assured I'd get a reasonably fancy apartment out looking the great view of the city towers. My mother didn't stay with us, she'd just come home once in a while because she had to run her businesses all over the place.

"Love the place" my father asked

"Totally" I smiled

"Well too bad you won't be staying the night cause you going to your place today..School tomorrow kiddo"

"W-what" I stared at him

"Yes hunny no complaints we spoke about this yesterday"

"Bu-bu-but daddy" I said with a puppy face
"Sorry that face doesn't work on me any more , start making your way to the car I'll be there in a giffy" he said this rushing upstairs. How heartless could one be not to let me have a feel of this house. I reached the car and OMG screw me i haven't told Hillary about my arrival. Hillary was my best friend , we grew up together But she moved here some time back . Our two families had been really loving to each other.

"Hie rie, I've arrived in town and im by dad's place and it's really slaying but am about to leave for my apartment and idk where it is haha dad says it's a surprise so ill message you the details when I get there ok , or you can just call me back when you get this .bye" I left a message on her voice mail and got into the car. Dad came and opened his car , got in and begun to drive.

"Is it going to be a long way from here" I asked in annoyance

"Excited I see" he said

"Well I might as well get excited since my own father is kicking me out ,emphasis on my own father" I rolled my eyes

"It's called grooming you to be a young lady darling" he said as he kept his eyes on the road

"Ok mom " I said sarcastically.

"Both parents can groom a girl child dumbee" he said as he laughed . I gave an annoyed sigh and looked out of the window. The view throughout the journey was marvellous I must say. He parked his car in front of a tall breathtaking building.

"Dad come on, this stop was meant to be made at my apartment not at one of your rich friends apartments, like seriously now"

"I honestly don't know why you complaining because this is your apartment building"

My mouth hung open as I looked at him and faced my eyes back to the building. I quickly opened the door and rushed towards the building.

"Your bags" dad yelled . I ignored him and continued. The door man greeted me and opened the door for me. I greeted him back and entered the building . Some classy building we got here , spoiled brat , my sub - conscious said.

"Afternoon maam" the receptionist greeted me with a genuine non fading smile

"Afternoon" I replied with a smitten

"You must be Miss Anderson" he said as he looked behind me. I looked back and saw my dad smiling at the receptionist and back at me. Oh yes dad why not let me be known because of your successes yes.

"This is your apartment key and your apartment is on the 5th floor Miss"

"Thank you" I said as I got the key and headed for the alivator. We arrived on 5th floor and I slowly headed for my place. I slowly opened my door and there I saw joy in the form of a room, a fully furnished apartment with touches of my favourite colour pink. I walked around the whole place whilst my dad put my bags in my room. What more could a girl like me ask for , I was honestly speechless.

"I used to doubt your taste in a lot of things but seeing this , I really have to give you an applause" I said as I chuckled

"Now this definitely proved you wrong , I will come pick you up tomorrow morning have to rush to the office" he spoke as he headed for the door

"You don't have to dad, will take a cab or something, grooming me to be independent remember"

"Yeah but you sure you will be ok?" He asked with a worried face

"Yes dad you act as if I'm in boarding school" I said as I laughed

"Ok fine but do call me when you need anything and do not lose communication please"

"I will now run along pal" I smiled and hit his shoulder. He then smiled back and kissed my forehead and left.

Now to get on with this packing , I said out loud .

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