Cheerleading --part 2

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I made my way out of the cheerleading room and walked down the hall to the Acrobatics room. I couldn't help but think of how Sandra Bullock had so much jealousy towards  me. But why ? My performance had been outstanding and in her heart of hearts she knew it too but too bad she lost one of the best people because of her distorted jealousy character. Still making my way to the Acrobatics room I heard a series of loud voices coming from the gym. Fuck!!!gag me gag me gag me I kept whispering to myself. I knew I had to pass the gym to get to my destination but I didn't want to. The boys were back from tour and looking like this I'd definitely get picked on. Sighing I looked down , tried to play with the curls on my hair whilst I tried to walk faster in order not to get noticed. But as my pace quickened towards the gym door --- Bang . A hard muscular body bumped onto my fragile body with full force and before I knew it I was banging my head first and body to the floor.

"Ohhhhh shiiiiit I'm soooorrry,  I'm soooo soooorrry I did not mean to do that , I was rushing out of the door and I didn't notice someone was there. Are you okay , I mean it's all my fault , can I take you to sick bay , do you need pills , shiit,  you really need to underst-" I cut him off as his pace of talking increased with every word

"I'm fine ,really" I spoke in a low voice as I covered my face with my hand and curly strands of hair trying to avoid him from noticing who I am.

" I feel like i owe you a big one , I mean how could I be so reckless , I've never hurt a girl before, I mean  physically atleast" he continued

"Kevin!" I paused "I said I'm fine"

"Are you sure because I wouldn't --- " before he could even finish his sentence he was interrupted by the fairest Miss Bullock. Everything was going to go well, he was going to leave me alone and not find out it was actually me and we'd move on with our lives but thanks to Sandra my under cover mission has been blown.

"Baby" she held Kevins chin and brought his face towards hers and gave him a long kiss. She broke the kiss and bending down in a facade of being surprised said  "Denise Anderson!" Tipping my chin over   "Aren't you meant to be somewhere else and not perving on boys who are totally out of your league" she raised her brow and gave a smirk. I just looked at her and gulped down the lump of spit that had been forming In my throat and turned my eyes back to the floor. Every time it came to her I would let her defeat me , I'm not a weak person but I know I would not be able to take her , she's a powerful person with powerful connections too , she could ruin my entire high school life so letting her win the battle is my only option.

"Denise ?" Kevin glanced at me followed by silence. "A-aare aare you okay?" . I guess this was my cue to talk but I had no words to say. Embarrassment was creeping up my body , firstly getting humiliated in front of Kevin ,secondly watching him get kissed by Sandra and thirdly realising that he actually didn't know me. Yes he had never seen me with curly hair and an Acro kit but my voice could have sold me out. I won't lie, I felt a tear about to form at the thought of this. I held onto the lockers in attempts of standing but only managed to fall back to the floor and cry In agony.
"My leg" I cried out loud whilst rocking back and forth holding it. In no time I was in Kevins arms and he was rushing to the sick bay. When we arrived there sister Hendricson took me in and Kevin had to stay out. All the while I was crying whilst she stretched my leg and mended a plaster on it. I guess this is to say I broke or fractured my knee. Straight after she injected me with some sort of medicine which soon carried me all the way to dream land.

Feeling some irritation on my knee some sort of discomfort I decided to wake up. The injection had worn out so I was able to wake. Blinking several times to try and steady my vision I looked down at my leg. Sighing out loud I got startled by the voice which came from the other side of the room.

"I'm really sorry once again" he said as he walked towards the bed. Closing my eyes I hoped this was not happening even though it was , in hopes that it would maybe just maybe be a dream. I felt a warm finger brush the curl out of place to the rest of my hair. "You look different with curly hair , a cute different and what you were wearing was cute too" he strained a smile. At first everything felt so right , it felt good to have him tell me all that until I realised what a jerk he was.

"Look buddy" I said as I struggled to sit up.  "No no don't help me" I held out my hand to stop him. When I had finally got into a comfortable position my speech began.

" You owe me nothing and I owe you nothing too,,,,,well actually if I do owe you anything it would be the money you used on me at dinner the other day" I drifted away point "but that's not the real deal buddy" I poked him on his chest "Don't come here acting all sweet and friendly just because you are in a pity phase and you are trying to cure your guilty conscious for hurting me. No just don't, that is lame and whack  just like your personality okay. If you hadn't bumped me over would you have spoken about how I look cute with my curls? Would you ? Actually don't ever use the word cute on me ever again yeah because words like cute are used to describe things like cats and im not a cat. basically what I'm saying is go away" I didn't realise how erratic my breath had become.

He raised his brow with a stoic expression "are you done cause if you are what would you like to have for lunch before I take you home ?"

"Did you not hear what I  just said Kevin"

" Oh trust me I did , I just don't care" "soooooo McDonald's ?????????"

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