Detention Day

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I arrived at school quiet late on Monday but It wasn't a problem because I had 4 free periods in the morning. I didn't have to go if I didn't want to but I just decided to as I had assignments to finish off in the library. Thank God for those free periods atleast I wouldn't have to come face to face with Kevin, I really wasn't looking forward to that although I knew I had to because I was having 5th period with him. I left the library 5 minutes late for period 5 because I wanted to enter when the lesson had started to avoid having to make any conversation with Kevin, I didn't really care if the teacher shouted at me for this. I entered the class looking as if I had come in running to be right on time for the lesson although this wasn't true, just to get Mrs S to feel pity towards me. I walked in and when I was about to apologise for being late she just pointed her finger to my seat. That was her way of telling me that I was interrupting her lesson and to sit down. I walked to my seat and I saw Kevin looking at me but I didn't really look at him. I sat were i usually sit, straight in front of him and joined in the lesson. Just a few minutes into my arrival Kevin was already tapping my back. I resisted and just moved into my desk more and continued paying attention to the lesson. A few seconds after the tapping came a crushed paper flying to my desk.

"I know my throwing techniques are good :) but I need to talk to you, why did you run away?"

I read it and didn't reply to it .Instead I crunched it back and shoved it in my bag so that he could see that I wasn't interested in whatever he wanted to talk about. Next thing I knew was him tapping my shoulder with a ruler and saying something. At first I ignored him and he said it even louder.

" turn around it won't take long" he said . I got so frustrated with him that I ended up turning around to hear what he had to say just to get him to shut up.

"What" I said with a crunched up face.

"I need to explain to you what happened , it's not what you think, why did you even run away in the first place"

"Miss Anderson and Mr Craigen, seems like you two are having a great time interacting instead of paying attention to what I'm teaching , maybe you'd like to finish off your conversation in afternoon detention today , 3 to 4" Mrs S said

"Well Mrs S , I have to save up my energy for Rugby practice today so I won't be able to take up detention maybe another time" Kevin said as he grinned and leaned back on his chair

"I wasn't asking you, I was telling you that you have detention Kevin" she said as she faced the board to jot down notes .

"Way to go douche bag" I said with an annoyed smile and faced the front.
" You should be happy you are spending one full hour with me *wink wink* I ignored his paper letter and rolled my eyes. Class was finally over and I quickly rushed out to avoid whatever Kevin had to say. He said something to me but I didn't hear it cause my pace was too fast. I headed for the cafeteria and saw Rie already there. I went and sat next to her and we began to talk. A few minutes later Jacob , Cane and Caleb came to sit with us, they joined into the conversation and everything was going so well until Kevin decided to show up with his best friend Brad. They headed straight for our table and Kevin sat right next to me.

" Sup boys and ladies" Kevin said as he greeted us. I just held my head and faced down to my food. I didn't know what he wanted here but I didn't want him to say anything stupid because Jacob was here and he would get mad if he found out that I was at Kevins place on Friday. Just when you think that the story is over someone has to bring it up again. The boys spoke about their rugby practise and the upcoming match they had, I was shocked and happy at the same time cause Kevin hadn't said anything to me. Until

"You've been avoiding my explanation" he said as he elbowed me. Everyone on the table suddenly went all quite. Until someone broke the silence.

"What explanation" Jacob asked as he looked at Kevin then at me .

"I need more juice" I said as I stood up and walked away

"So do I, I've just become so thirsty" Rie said as she followed. We didn't say anything to each other as we walked away but we kept on giving each other the awkward stares. I looked back at our table and I could see the boys talking about something. My heart was beating but why ,it's not like Jacob was going to dump me or anything , he's not even my boyfriend. I gained my confidence back and headed for the table. As I was sitting down Jacob asked me a question. I've never seen him so serious in my life .

"Why didn't you tell me you slept over at Kevins place, I was looking for you all over town and you were there"

"Slept over" I laughed " I wouldn't call that sleeping over I just woke up the next day and I was there"

"But you still could've told me, you don't even know what he could have done to you" he said

"I'm right here Jacob" Kevin said

"It's over now Jacob chill" I said as I sipped my juice. He just walked away. I'm guessing he was already angry but seriously he needed to chill what matters is that I was here safe right instead of some stranger actually kidnapping me that night.

"Sooooooo" Kevin said as he looked at me

"You'll explain at Detention Kevin, if we do get the chance to talk" I said as I walked away from everyone.

This chapter is long so I'm making another chapter but it's a continuation of this one

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