Fitting In .

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*Denise Pov*

A few weeks have passed by and I can finally say that people have accepted me as part of them even those who don't pretty much like or appreciate my presence. I am impressed by the amount of teachers who actually like me not like I suck up to them or anything. I'm not one of the popular girls or one of those plastic girls neither am I one of those girls with cliques and im definitely not one of the girls part of Kevins Fan Club but I fit in quite well although there are those few silly people who still label me as the new girl, Kevin and his fan club to be precise but it's not shocking to me seeing as they are still living in their chidly hood. Jacob and I have become really close and I've learnt a lot about him. His character makes him twice attractive than he is already. As a matter of fact he is very caring and we are already in a relationship! !!!!!! I'm joking but with the rate we are going I wouldn't mind being his girlfriend cause we are close enough. I'm not the type of girl who loves having thousands of friends but I'm an all people's person. I don't have much friends and neither do I have a boyfriend. I keep to myself most of the time because I don't want to have to deal with any drama. ** I put my books in my locker and as I closed I bumped into an annoying face. Ashley Roberts. Now this is what I would call popular. She was beautiful and had a very attractive body ,no wonder the boys were always on her grill. Ok I called her annoying cause ever since I got here she has been trying so hard to be my friend but every conversation she made with me was about herself. OBSESSION is not really my thing and besides Hillary and her aren't friends and i would not want to have to choose between her and Rie for friendship .Why their not friends ????? Well Hillary is also popular and they always want the spot light so they always have to fight for it . What's with teenagers and popularity right.

"Deeeeeeeeeee hie" she said with her squeaky voice and a wide smile.

"Hey Ash wassup?"

"Nothing Nothing well actually something hihi "

"Uhmm Ash , I've got class remember " I said as I looked at her signaling her to make it snappy

"Fine take this " she handed me an invitation and continued "make sure you are there for my party okay, that's an order"

"I'd love to but I can't come if Rie ain't coming"

"Who said she ain't ? I invited her too..I can be nice you know"

I gave her a smile "I'll be there"

"Dress to kill cause you one of my specials at the party"

"If you looking for me I'll be the sexy looking one" I said this with a grin as I kissed her cheek and walked away


Meanwhile later on in the hall. This is the only class everyone was in all together. Well people in my year obviously. Thank God it was a free period so we could talk and socialise for a whole 35 minutes without teacher supervision. Jacob and I made our way to Rie and Cane . They were seated in the centre of the hall in the middle row and right below us were Kevin some of his Rudby mates and some girls including Ashley. As we took our seats I heard a familiar voice say something just for mockery sake

"I hear the new girl was invited for the popular girls party" this was Kevin and he was laughing and staring at me. So much for being a childish hotty. I ignored and just looked away.

"What's the deal man, can't you let her be?" I was surprised to hear Jacob say this

"Jacob I wasn't talking to you okay so stay out of it" Kevin said with an angry tone

"Well that was a question directed to you , you got a problem" Jacob sneered back. This earned stares from everyone. Urgggggg see this , this is what I hate ,DRAMA. Everyone's eyes are on us , what does this look like Bill Cosby's show to you or something. Are people expecting fist fighting cause if they are I'm sorry but I have to burst that bubble .

"I would expect this fight coming from girls. Let's grow up shall we ?" I looked at both of them with a serious face. None of them gave in but kept on having a staring competition. Really this is the part they all just break it up .

"Jay let it go, be the mature one here okay" I said this as I looked him in the eyes and directed his face to mine.

"Fine" he finally broke free and so did Kevin . Boys can be more drama than girls at times.

"I'll pick you up for the party tomorrow" he said

"Ho-Ho-Ho-Hold up lover boy , she's coming with me " Rie said as she leaned over Cane to have a better view of Jacob

"That's her decision to make Miss popular" Jacob said

"Guys we will all go together in one car if that's the case" Cane suggested as he placed Rie back on her seat properly. I just gave him a warm smile acknowledging him that I was greatful for his presence.


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