Rekindling- Cindy&Alice

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So this is a Cindy and Alice imagine as requested but it's not exactly going to be like Fearstreet because I don't feel like going back and fourth from the script to this.

Cindy POV

"Babe why won't you kiss me?" Tommy asks annoyed.

"Because I'm just not in the mood! I'm trying to clean this stupid red stuff!" I say scrubbing at the floor.

"That's been there for ages babe, you're just wasting your time." He says.

"And you didn't think to tell me this 30 minutes ago?" I say aggravated.

He shrugs walking out. I roll my eyes. I need to tell him sooner or later. I'm only dating him because I thought I would eventually feel the way I'm supposed to. Truth is Ive only felt that way about... Alice.

I immediately become upset because I start thinking about what I did to her. I was selfish and saved my own ass.

I clean up my supplies that I was using and wash my hands. I walk outside and see Ziggy. I walk over expecting to have a decent conversation.

"What do you want?" She asks already annoyed.

"Cant I talk to my sister?" I ask confused.

"Talk to me when you stop living in your miss perfect fantasy bullshit land." She says walking off.

Is it so bad for me to want to get out of shady side and escape whatever curse is basically here? Or at least that's what it feels like.

"You know she's right." I hear beside me breaking me out of my trance.

"Alice." I say shaking my head.

"Well? When's the last time you had fun, snitch?" She says crossing her arms.

"Will you let that go already?" I say putting on a face.

"It's the whole reason we're not friends anymore how can I not?" She says laughing but in a mean way.

She goes on, "Well actually that's not the whole reason. You've changed, Berman. And not for the better. Maybe that's why your sister hates you." She says.

"That was low, even for you Alice." I say with a hurt expression.

"You used to like it when I went low." She whispers before walking away."(iykyk)

I stand there shocked. Thats what I snitched on... My mom walked in one day and I blamed everything on Alice even thought I made the first move.

I walk away stomping. I end up in the woods. I don't know I'm crying until I have tears staining my cheeks. I should have just come out with my truth. I would have been much happier. Alice and I would most likely be together right now and my relationship with my sister would be good and not what it is now which I don't even know what it is. I need to find a way to make things that right without hurting anyone aka my "boyfriend."

I hear a twig snap which makes my head snap to where the noise came from. A few seconds later Alice comes out from a bush. She sees me. I quickly sniff and wipe my tears.

Alice is now in front of me with her hands on my face. "Are you okay?" She says looking at my face. "Are you hurt?"

"No, umm I'm fine." I say putting on a smile.

I realize that she's actually being nice to me. "Why are you being nice to me? Don't you hate me?"

"I may not particularly like you... but I can never hate you Cindy. I'll always care about you. That will never change."

I throw my arms around her. I've missed her so much. I feel her arms around my waist and back. I feel safe.

Now that we're I guess mending our relationship. Should I tell her how I've felt? And what I've always felt for her from the very beginning?

She lets go. She goes to leave but I grab her wrist pulling her back to me about to kiss her when she lets out a Yelp. I look at her concerned. She's grabbing her wrist. "Did I pull you too hard? I'm so sorry!" I say quickly.

She slowly takes off her bracelets without making eye contact then shows her wrists.

I take her wrist in my arm caressing the scars softly. "Alice." I say sadly.

"It.. it started when you left and umm I got used to it I guess and it's also a way to deal with this stupid town." She says putting her bracelets back on.

"Look at me. I know it's hard to stop. But can you at least try? For me?" I ask softly.

She scoffs. "Don't act like you're not just going to leave and make out with your boyfriend any minute now."

"Stop!" I say turning around.

"I bet you can't wait to—"

"I'm in love with you!" I yell turning around with my hands in my hair. My hand goes over my mouth.

"What?" I hear another voice from the woods. Tommy.

I turn towards him slowly. He scoffs and walks off. "Fuck!" I yell.

"Oh my god. Did you just cuss?" Alice says laughing.

"I just said I'm in love with you and you're talking about me cursing?" I say in dis-belief.

She steps towards me and takes my face in her hands and captures my lips. "I've wanted to do that for so long." She says resting her forehead against mine.

"I've missed that." I say looking into her eyes. "I've missed you." I say after tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.

"Are you ready for this? Not everyone accepts people like us." She asks.

"I don't care if people spit on my shoes everywhere I walk as long as you're mine." I say confident.

"Yeah you would." She says smiling.

"Yeah, you're right... but you get the point." I say taking her hand in mine walking back to camp hand in hand.

This was a request so I hope y'all like it:)

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